  • 學位論文


What is Christian?-According to Wang, Mingdao’s theological thought

指導教授 : 李信毅


王明道(1900~1990)為20世紀初中國教會領袖,對日抗戰期間拒絕參加日軍主導之「華北基督教聯合促進會」,1949年中共建政後,因拒絕加入「三自教會」,兩次入獄達23年,於1980年獲釋,其堅守信仰真理之精神,為後人景仰。   王明道傳道30年,主要透過講道來供給信徒屬靈糧食,幫助信徒強健完備,王明道將講道內容刊載於其發行之《靈食季刊》,選定重要題目之文章彙集出書,筆者以「信仰真理」與「基督徒生活」二進路來梳理王明道著作,以探究王明道對於基督徒靈命塑造的主張。   王明道未受正式神學教育,視聖經為其教導、牧會之唯一準則,擁護聖經無誤論,在「信仰真理」的教導上,其最主要的重心是對現代派神學的駁斥,反駁現代派-主張社會福音,不相信童女生子、聖經所記神蹟奇事、基督再臨…等論點。王明道的神學思想建立在對現代派之反駁,從中凸顯出他自己的神學思想,及對重生、悔改、聖靈的詮釋。   王明道非常重視「基督徒生活」,對於信徒生活指導非常詳盡,並強調「聖潔」的重要。筆者將其關於基督徒生活的教導,以「與神關係」、「與人關係」兩個面向來進行分析,「與神關係」包含「聖潔」、「禱告」,「與人關係」則涵括「婚姻」與「待人處事」,而「聖潔」可說是「與神關係」中最重要的議題,影響著「與人關係」的各個面向,可視為王明道在「基督徒生活」教導的主軸。


Wang Ming-dao (1900-1990) was a church leader in China at the beginning of the twentieth century. During the Second Sino-Japanese War, he refused to join a Japanese organized church federation because of his strong belief. After the Communist gained control of China in 1949, Wang rejected the ministry in the state-controlled Three-Self Church for the same reason and was twice arrested. Being incarcerated for twenty-three years, Wang did not retain his freedom until 1980, but his steadfast faith in truth won him robust reputation in later generations.   In his thirty-year preaching ministry, Wang provided his followers with spiritual food and strengthened them mainly through teaching. He published Spiritual Food Quarterly, a journal containing his teaching in church, and complied articles of crucial themes into books. In this paper, I will study Wang’s works from two aspects: “Faith in Truth” and “Lifestyle of Christians”, so as to investigate the preacher’s ideas about the spiritual formation of Christians.   Without formal theological training, Wang regarded the Holy Bible as the only reference of preaching and evangelistic meetings `and upheld the inerrancy of the Scripture. As for his teaching on “faith in truth”, Wang put most emphasis on the opposition against the modern liberal theology, which supported the Social Gospel movement and discredited the pregnancy of virgin, miraculous events in the Bible, and the second advent of the Christ. By refuting the modernism, he developed his theological thinking and interpretations of regeneration, repentance, and the Holy Spirit.   With heavy emphasis on “lifestyle of Christians”, Wang offered extremely detailed guidance for his disciples and accentuated “holy living”. The discussion of Wang’s teaching on lifestyle of Christians will be divided into “The Relation with God” and “The Relation with Men”. The former encompasses “holy living” and “prayer” while the latter includes “marriage” and “social life”. “Holy living”, which serves as the paramount issue in “The Relation with God” and affects “The Relation with Men” in all regards, is considered the very essence of Wang’s teaching on “lifestyle of Christians”.


21.麥葛福(Alister E. McGrath),《基督教神學手冊》Christian Theology-An Introduction,劉良淑、王瑞琦譯(台北:校園書房出版社,1998)。
24.奧爾森(Roger E. Olson),《神學的故事》 The story of Christian theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition & Reform,吳瑞誠、徐成德譯(台北:校園書房出版社,2004)。
