  • 學位論文


The Concept of Suffering in C. S. Lewis’ The Problem of Pain

指導教授 : 歐力仁


《痛苦的奧秘》是二十世紀英國最偉大的基督教作家魯益師對心靈剖析最得意的作品。這本闡述基督教精義的著作,是魯益師透過理性的解析,從上帝的全能全善以及人類的墮落與邪惡探討人類遭受苦難的來源,藉此嘗試為所有宗教都必須觸及的人性最棘手問題提出解釋。 本書中,魯益師強調自己的苦難觀源自傳統的基督教神學,認為苦難的來源是因人類的邪惡及墮落;而其中,他更以上帝的全能和全善來述說祂藉苦難使人得著救贖與完全的論點。苦難的發生,雖然都在上帝的掌管下,卻起因於人類的濫用自由意志,這個部分,魯益師用了相當多的例子來說明。 除了《痛苦的奧秘》外,筆者還另以聖經中論述苦難最多的約伯記與之相對照,呼應聖經及一般基督徒對苦難的觀點與魯益師的認知基本上大同小異,皆以為苦難就是上帝對人所帶來的管教。此外,在論及天堂與地獄時,魯益師認為人類現今的行為即決定未來死後的世界。人若專注尋求天國的價值觀,天國即能體現在現今生活;若不然,人縱使今生快樂,其結果可能反倒通往地獄。 總之,魯益師認為苦難雖然帶來痛苦,卻完全出自於上帝的良善,人們在遭受痛苦的同時,應該思考自己是否有錯誤的選擇,以致遭遇錯誤的對待;縱使找不著任何得罪上帝的原因,也要全然順服上帝的作為,相信上帝最終的目的是愛。


魯益師 痛苦的奧秘 苦難 天堂 地獄 基督教 自由意志


The book The problem of pain, published in the twentieth century , is the famous Britain's greatest Christian writer C.S. Lewis’ most proud work which about analysis of the spirit. It depends on his intellent to describes the essence of Christianity of suffering from the omnipotence of God and the wickedness of human beings for reaching an explanation of humanity's most knotty problems. In this Book, C.S. Lewis stressed that his concept of suffering was from traditional Christian theology, he thought that the source of suffering is due to human wickedness and depravity; Acconding to almighty and all-good God, he expounded the ideal that suffering would make people get not only redemption but also perfection. Due to the abuse of free wil, suffering occurs,even God is in control. C.S. Lewis spent quite a lot of examples to prove this. In addition to The problem of pain, I also discussed the book of Job which described the most suffering in Bible. Ttraditional Christian views and General Christians’ is as the same as Lewis’. They all believed suffering is God's discipline. Further, when discussing heaven and hell, Lewis thought that human’s behaviors now decide their future of the world after death. If people focus on the culture of heavon, Life today will be the kingdom of God. If not, although having the happy life, the result may actually to hell. Shortly, C.S. Lewis believed that although suffering occur pain, it was totally God' goodness.When having misery, people should think carefully whether they have crime. Even if finding no reason to offend God, we also have to completely obey God and trust the ultimate goal of God is love.


C.S. Lewis The problem of pain suffering misery heavon hell Christian free wil


《清醒的心—C. S. Lewis》,寇爾畢編選,曾珍珍譯,台北:校園書房,1998。
Barratt,David. C. S. Lewis and His World. Grand Rapids:Wm.B.Eerdmans,1987.
Beversluis,John. C.S. Lewis and the search for rational religion. Grand Rapids : W.B. Eerdmans, 1985
巴刻,〈依舊令人驚艷的魯益師〉,王湘琪譯,《校園》, 7、8月號(2014),頁12-20。
