  • 學位論文


A Study on the Factors of Internet Privacy Concern

指導教授 : 皮世明


在西元1964年,第一部電腦誕生後,人類的生活就開始與電腦脫離不了關係,而網路的便捷性更顯露在社交方式之改變上,自Facebook在2004年首次登場後,各種類型社群網站如雨後春筍不斷冒出,讓更多人選擇在這樣的平台上共享資訊,臉書(Facebook)、Line已成為全球最受歡迎的社群網站,許多使用者利用此平台進行線上交流,也因此Facebook及Line的個人資料保護問題相對受到各國重視,隨之而來的即是個人資料保護之問題。雖然個人可以透過設定決定是否要公開資料,個人的隱私資料在網際網路上被大量蒐集、處理及利用,使得不是專家也可以追蹤藉由各式的個人資料特定的個人,拚湊出網路使用者的生活樣貌。在此情況下,隱私權的意義已不能再侷限於消極被動不受干擾之權利,而個人更應對本身資料有權決定是否開始或停止被他人收集、處理及利用。 在網路環境中,網路隱私顧慮是對資訊隱私問題傳統概念的擴展,儘管已經對資訊隱私問題進行了很多研究,但多數研究集中在隱私問題與結果之間的關聯性,卻顯少關注前因和隱私問題間的關聯性,本研究在探討網路隱私顧慮影響因子,從個人因素、環境範圍、資訊管理構面、互動管理構面等觀點,針對線上使用者進行調查,探討與網路隱私顧慮相關聯之前因。 本研究共計發放300份問卷,回收263份問卷,其中無效問卷為22份,有效問卷占比為91.6%。研究結果顯示:「環境範圍」對於網路隱私顧慮有負相關影響,表示對政府法令越不清楚,網路隱私顧慮越高。「風險避免」對於網路隱私顧慮有正相關影響,表示個人嘗試新事物仍會保持謹慎態度越高,以及越會避免接受具有風險的事情,網路隱私顧慮就越大。「資訊敏感性」對於網路隱私顧慮有正相關影響,表示向網站提供具有敏感性的個人資訊越多以交換服務或優惠時,網路隱私顧慮就越大。此外,人格特質方面,越是具有「開放性」特質的人,網路隱私顧慮越大。「情緒穩定性」越高的人,網路隱私顧慮就越小;外向性、嚴謹性、宜人性對網路隱私顧慮沒有顯著影響。


In 1964, after the birth of the first computer, human life began to be inseparable from the computer, and the convenience of the Internet was more evident in the changes in social methods. Since Facebook’s debut in 2004, various types of social group websites have sprung up continuously, allowing more people to choose to share information on such platforms. Facebook and Line have become the most popular social group websites in the world. Many users use these platforms for online communication. Therefore, the issue of personal data protection of Facebook and Line has been paid more attention by various countries. Although individuals can decide whether to disclose information through settings, personal private information is collected, processed, and used on the Internet, so that even non-experts can track specific individuals with various personal data and piece togethe the life of the person. Under this circumstance, the meaning of the right of privacy can no longer be limited to the right to passively be free from interference, and individuals should have the right to decide whether to start or stop the collection, processing and use of their own data by others. In the online environment, online privacy concerns are an extension of the traditional concept of information privacy issues. Although a lot of research has been done on information privacy issues, most of the research focuses on the correlation between privacy issues and results, and relative less focuses on the relationship between antecedents and privacy issues. This study is exploring the factors affecting online privacy concerns. From the perspectives of personal factors, environmental scope, information management dimensions, and interactive management which are associated with privacy concerns, previous causes. In this study, a total of 300 questionnaires were sent and 263 questionnaires were returned, 22 were invalid. The percentage of valid questionnaires is 91.6%. The results of the study show that "environmental scope" has a negative impact on online privacy concerns, meaning that the more unclear about government regulations, the higher the online privacy concerns. "Risk avoidance" has a positive impact on online privacy concerns. It means that the more cautious an individual will be when trying new things, and the more he avoids accepting risky things, the greater the online privacy concerns. "Information sensitivity" has a positive impact on online privacy concerns, which means the more sensitive of the personal information that is provided to websites in exchange for services or offers, the greater the online privacy concerns. In addition, in terms of personality traits, the more "open" people are, the greater the online privacy concerns. People with higher "emotional stability" have less online privacy concerns; extraversion, rigor, and agreeableness have no significant impact on online privacy concerns.


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