  • 學位論文


The Study of the Domestic Violence Law -Focused On the Policemen implementing the Civil Protection Order of the Domestic Violence Law and Arresting suspects -


警察人員,基於家庭暴力防治法之規定,被賦與執行民事保護令及發現家庭暴力之現行犯應逕行逮捕等相關作為義務。故本論文期盼能藉由研討警察人員在處理家庭暴力案件時,所為之逮捕等強制處分與美國警察人員、美國立法例與相關法規相互比較、分析,以期能使警察人員於家庭暴力案件之角色上,提出改進建議與修法參考。 綜上所述,本論文主要朝下列四點來進行: 一、 探討我國家庭暴力防治規範與現行實務運作,藉由整合國內有關家庭暴力防治規範之文獻與美國現行家庭暴力防治相關法規,加以探討研究,以加強於研究之主題有所深入之了解。 二、 對於我國警政系統於家庭暴力防治法中之角色加以深入研究,特別對於警政實務面、執行面上之層次加以分析。 三、 針對警察人員於家庭暴力案件中,其逮捕權之發動、實施等作為,分別輔以美國家庭暴力、警察相關法規加以分析比較,並對警察人員於實施逮捕等強制處分上,其身分上、適用法規上的交錯,加以深入研討。 四、 警察人員如何有效執行民事保護令,與我國現行實務上警察人員之作為為何加以了解,同時亦比較美國法制中警察人員於民事保護令之執行面上,有何差異,加以分析。 正如我國家庭暴力防治法賦予警察人員極重之責任,其中包括聲請保護令、執行保護令及依法保護被害人等,惟在家庭暴力防治法中,卻未能擴大警察人員之拘捕權限,其中最主要的考量與顧慮的原因,仍在於許多的民眾在被告人權與被害人人權兩者之間,選擇了被告人權為主要保護對象,當然其中也有不少人是考量到我國警察之辦案能力與員警素質,進而傾向不贊成於我國家庭暴力防治法對於警察人員之拘捕權限上,故我國家庭暴力防治法並未全盤地仿效外國之「無令狀逮捕」制度,賦予警察逕行拘捕權限。本文認為若不賦予警察更多逮捕權限,其實是要求警察辦案而卻不給警察應有的武器,不僅對於警察人員不公平,同時也無法發揮防治家庭暴力之功效,故本文認為將「無令狀逮捕」制度全盤的引入我國家庭暴力防治法,始為根本之道。 此外,有關到達家庭暴力現場的第一線員警,其應如何為現場之及時偵查與行使逮捕權,對於家庭暴力的加害人、被害人而言,是法秩序的介入救護的表徵,本文於此,參考美國法與美國現行警政實務上之相關偵訊作為與相關法令,以期能加強我國警察於家庭暴力防治上之偵查作為與法令上之修正參考。


According to our Domestic Violence Law in R.O.C., the policemen are obliged to implement the civil protection orders, and arrest the offenders under certain circumstances. I would like to study the laws related to the Domestice Violence Law in the United States, and the Americans’ police in order to offer my suggestions by comparing with the domestic violence regulations in U.S.A. with the Domestic Violence Law in R.O.C. My studying directions in my thesis mainly follow the four aspects. 01. By integrating the regulations, textbooks, and the academic articles in the aspect of domestic violence in R.O.C. and in U.S.A., I will look deeply into our current operating systems in laws and police implementing. 02. Focusing on our policemen’s role in our domestic violence laws, I will demonstrate and analyze our police strategies and relative policies. 03. I will analyze the domestic violence laws and police stretegies, especially in lauching an arrest, and other mandatory law enforceable restrictions that the policemen can adopt in the U.S.A.and in R.O.C. 04. Finally, I will concentrate on the policemen’s implementing civil protection orders and try to compare the police in U.S.A. with our current police system. Our Domestic Violenc Law has asked our policemen to shouder plenty of responsibilities, and obligations, such as applying for civil protection orders for victims, protecting domestic violence victims. However, our legilators don’t grant so much arresting power for our policemen because they have taken the human rights into consideration. In this way, our Domestic Violence Law doesn’t comprehensively grant our police the arresting power. In my view, I think that this is unfair, and it is our top priority to grant our policemen more arresting power, just like some states in the United States, especially when it comes to the domestic violence.


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