  • 學位論文


Test Case Ordering and Selection for Blackbox Testing

指導教授 : 陳育欣


隨著現今軟體產業的產品開發快速以及走向客制化的趨勢,如何加快軟體開發時程使得軟體能儘早提供給客戶或消費者為一個重要的議題。然而在軟體設計完成到進客戶必須經過軟體測試這步驟以確保其軟體品質。但在有限的資源和缺乏時間及人力的情形下,如何設計其測試案例找到軟體的缺陷及錯誤是相當困難的問題。因此本研究將測試案例透過優先排序及選擇的技術,將測試案例縮減以其在有限資源下能進行完善測試。 過去文獻大多以軟體測試分為測試案例減少(Reduction)、測試案例選擇(Selection)以及測試案例排序化(Prioritization)這三個問題分別探討,鮮少有學者有結合兩個以上問題做討論。本研究提出於黑箱測試環境下根據測試案例的先後順序、嚴重度(Severity)、時間(Time)將測試案進行優先順序排序,再利用本研究所提出的總需求選擇演算法(Total Requirement Selection , TRS),將其排序過的測試案例在時間的限制下分為兩測試套件,一個測試套件為必定要執行,另一個非必要執行測試套件。由實驗結果得知,該演算法可根據軟體測試時程的時間找到一組執行測試的最佳測試案例組合,不但能有效的縮短其測試時間也可同時兼顧測試案例的重要性。


With the trend toward rapid product development and customization in today’s software industry, it is becoming a critical issue that software products must be quickly made available to customers or consumers. Before the products can shipped to customers, “software testing” must be included to ensure the quality of software. However, software test cases, designed to catch errors, are typically executed with limited resources, especially time and budgets. This study will investigate test case ranking through the prioritization technique and selection of test cases to help minimize the resource issues. In previous literatures, software testing can be categorized into test case reduction, test case selection and test case prioritization. Few researchers investigate software testing from the perspective of combined topics from several categories. This study proposes the test case ranking in term of prioritization, severity and time under the black-box test environment and then uses Total Requirement Selection (TRS) method to divide ranked test cases into two test suites, primary and secondary, depending on the time constraint. According to practical results from the proposed methodology, the proposed method provides an efficient test case combination in terms of execution time as well as test case severity.


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