  • 學位論文


The Psychometric Properties and Norms of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test in 6-to-9-Year Old Children in Taiwan

指導教授 : 譚偉象


Rey-Osterrieth 複雜圖形測驗,是最廣泛被用來評估視覺空間建構以及視覺空間記憶能力的神經心理測驗工具之一。本研究主要目的為建立臺灣6至9歲學齡兒童Rey-Osterrieth 複雜圖形測驗常模資料,並探討該測驗的心理計量特性。本研究參照RCFT美國兒童及青少年常模手冊標準化施測程序與計分系統,共收集229位6歲至9歲,就讀小學一到四年級的正常學齡兒童,測驗工具包括在Rey-Osterrieth 複雜圖形測驗及魏氏兒童智力量表第四版,取其中的圖形設計、類同、記憶廣度與詞彙分測驗資料,以考驗Rey-Osterrieth 複雜圖形測驗的效度。其中30位學童於二個月後進行重測,考驗Rey-Osterrieth 複雜圖形測驗的再測信度;另外取樣30 位學童的測驗結果,分別對複製、立即回憶、延宕回憶作業作計分,檢驗評分者間信度。結果發現Rey-Osterrieth 複雜圖形測驗在複製、立即回憶與延宕回憶作業分數與年齡成正相關,而複製時間與年齡成負相關。性別與測驗表現則無顯著相關。Rey-Osterrieth 複雜圖形測驗在台灣6歲至9歲學齡兒童具有良好的信、效度。本研究建立Rey-Osterrieth 複雜圖形測驗相關測驗指標常模,並提供各年齡組百分等級與T分數對照表。未來應持續建立台灣10歲以後至青少年Rey-Osterrieth複雜圖形測驗常模,以完整跨年齡層之全國性常模資料的收集;同時收集臨床個案資料,探討Rey-Osterrieth複雜圖形測驗臨床使用的適當切截點,以符合鑑別診斷上的敏感性與特異性。


The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (ROCFT) is one of the most widely used neuropsychological tests for visuospatial constructional and visual memory. This study aimed to establish the norm of the ROCFT in 6-to-9-years old children in Taiwan, and to identify its psychometric properties. Based on the standardized procedure and scoring system of the Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial, the sample included 229 students in Grade 1 to 4, aged 6-9 years, from 10 elementary schools in Taiwan. All the children were assessed with ROCFT and the Block Design, Vocabulary, Similarities, and Digit Span subtests of the WISC-IV. Among 30 students were selected to complete the assessments 2 months later for examining the test–retest reliability with ROCFT. Another 30 protocols were randomly selected to examine in Copy, Immediate Recall, and Delayed Recall trials to test the interrater reliability There were positive correlations among age with Copy, Immediate Recall, and Delayed Recall trials, and was negative correlation with completion time. There was no significant correlation in performance with gender. The test result had shown good validity and reliability. Within each age group, linear T scores were computed for each raw score, perecentile equivalents were assigned to the obtained T scores. The ROCFT clinical usage could explore the best cut-point for diagnosis and established utility in clinical works. Since the present study only provides normative data form age 6 to 9 years old, a further study for older age is important to built a comprehensive norm.


陳榮華、陳心怡(2007)。 魏氏兒童智力量表第四版(WAIS-IV)中文版指導手冊。台灣:中國行為科學社。
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