  • 學位論文


Effects of Diosgenin in the Maternal Diet on Spatial Learning and Memory in Rat Offspring

指導教授 : 金亭佑


山藥薯蕷皂素 (Diosgenin),為一植物性雌激素,其功能與結構類似於雌激素。文獻表示,雌激素對中樞神經系統具有保護和滋養等作用。在本篇研究中,我們調查山藥薯蕷皂素是否可用於滋養大腦、改善腦部發育及提升學習與記憶能力。在大腦的發育中,胚胎時期的發展被視為相當關鍵的時期,因為在出生前的大腦就已有相當完整的發育。因此,我們好奇是否在懷孕時期補充山藥薯蓣皂素將會影響幼鼠的腦部發育,以及所影響的重要時期為何。大鼠在交配後,懷孕母鼠分別於懷孕1天 (gestation day 1, GD1)、7天 (GD7)、14天 (GD14)及21天 (GD21),開始餵食含山藥薯蓣皂素 (0.1%) 之飼料至哺乳期結束。幼鼠出生後第1天,分別由各組別分離並培養海馬迴神經細胞,在初步研究中,我們使用高濃度鉀離子溶液刺激海馬迴神經細胞,誘使其去極化並觀察胞內鈣離子濃度變化。結果表明, GD1 組別的鈣離子濃度上升高於其他組別與正常飼料餵食之組別,在此我們推論此組別有較好的鈣離子相關之細胞功能。此外,在產後70天的行為測試中, GD1 組別的空間記憶與工作記憶能力顯著高於正常飲食之母鼠子代。我們將分析山藥薯蕷皂素所影響的相關機制,藉以找出有效的成分或機轉,做為懷孕時期胎兒腦部發育的營養補充。


Diosgenin, a phytoestrogen, has similar function and structure as estrogen. Many studies have shown that estrogen has protective and nutritive effects on the central nervous system. However, estrogen is also essential for another system such as reproduction. In this study, we investigated whether diosgenin can also be used as tonic nourishment for the brain and enhance development of the brain. In the brain development, embryonic period of development is considered as a critical step. Thus, the pregnant female rats were fed diosgenin-containing diet at day 1 (GD1), day 7 (GD7), day 14 (GD14) and day 21 (GD21) of gestation. At postnatal day 1 (PND 1), the rat hippocampus neuronal cells were isolated from each group. For the preliminary study, the calcium influx in the hippocampus neuronal cells was observed after the stimulation of K+ ions. The results showed that the maternal rats fed with diosgenin at gestation have the highest calcium influx than the other groups. By the water maze test at postnatal day 70, it was found that the spatial learning and memory of the rat fed with diosgenin at day 1 were better than the other groups including the maternal normal diet group. For the regulatory mechanism of diosgenin for improving spatial learning and memory in rats, will be studied in the future.


diosgenin estrogen hippocampus spatial memory


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