  • 學位論文

由永續島嶼概念,討論文化保存與島嶼經營之多樣性。 藉由網路角色扮演遊戲設計分析虛擬平台與實境遊戲整合之可能性。-以連江縣莒光鄉東莒島為例。

Using the Model of Online Role-playing Games to Design and Analyze the Integration of Virtual Platforms and Real Games An Investigation of the Cultural Preservation and Operation from the Sustainable Conception of an Island - an example of Matsu Dongju Island

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


台灣擁有許多附屬的島群,因著經濟需求,各島觀光發展競爭激烈。如何利用島嶼有限的資源發展特色,並兼顧生態便成為重要的議題。東莒島,地處海域偏遠處,至今仍保留了相當完整的傳統建築與島嶼文化。然而隨著軍隊的裁撤,島上工商凋零,造成人口大量流失。而隨著情況的惡化,島嶼珍貴的文化面臨消失的危險。   這樣一個擁有豐富人文及自然資源的島嶼,該怎麼發展才能使其永續?怎麼樣營造才能彰顯其價值?又該如何才能讓後代持續在島嶼上定居,甚至讓新的住民加入?是島嶼經營與再利用需要思考的問題。   從40年前開始,國際生態旅遊的意識崛起,然而台灣在發展生態旅遊上,仍了無新意,生態旅遊的意識不發達,甚至連政府都無法給予明確的輔導。要怎樣發展適合當地文化並彰顯其價值的生態旅遊模式,是必須深思的問題。   隨著網路的普及,現代社會產生了一種新興的文化觀。克服了地域的限制,網路將不同文化、觀念、生活模式的人串聯在一起。而虛擬網路的空間,不但整合了資源,更可以將資源的消耗降低,恰好符合了島嶼資源須謹慎使用的原則。   角色扮演遊戲從70年代發展至今,已經逐漸成為遊戲中的主要模式,再角色扮演遊戲裡,玩家可以扮演不同於真實人生中的幻想角色,以滿足休閒娛樂的心理成就,而隨著時代的演進,角色扮演遊戲也從以往的傳統媒介:紙上,發展到電腦遊戲,甚至線上遊戲中。   在鉅量多人線上角色扮演遊戲(MMORPG)中,玩家會扮演系統設定的角色,進行探險,並與系統以至於其他玩家產生互動,以獲得心理上的成就感與滿足。而其與單機遊戲或其他小型的連線型角色扮演遊戲(例如CS)最大的區別在於:具有一個持續的虛擬世界;即使玩家離開遊戲,這個虛擬世界在遊戲營運商提供的主機伺服器裡仍繼續存在,並且不斷演進。同時,此類遊戲也會產生一種虛擬社群,彼此擁有共通的記憶、語言與認知。   因此,本研究想討論如何將角色扮演遊戲轉化為實境遊戲,套用至島嶼旅遊的系統中,藉此產生特殊性與識別度,以討論永續島嶼經營與再利用,並建構以東莒作為故事腳本MMORPG,結合虛擬平台的使用。希望能為島嶼永續經營模式提供一種新的思維與參考。


Along with the rapid development of computer and information industry, modern society creates a new culture transmutation. The character role is the main design in any kind of the network game. Moreover, in this kind of game, the player makes exploration by the role designed by the system, and players can connect with others to take the psychological sense of achievement and satisfaction. At the same time have social identity. In the traditional eco-tourism or working holiday, often only to come into notice by small group of people, but online role-playing game, however, can get the attention from the young. Therefore, to be an Island management and marketing, true island experience by role-playing game model will be something interesting for the young. In the limited resource of the island, how to develop its distinguished and ecological conservation feature becomes the most critical subject. DongJu which is far from Taiwan is a very small island. Since it is a remote island, it reserves a quite completely traditional architecture and island culture. This main purpose of this paper is trying to construct a suppositional conception into a realizable world in this kind of island. This paper applies the popular mode of the network game into the system of the island travel. By that and considering sustainably ecological travel of the island, the author expects it could create its own uniqueness and peculiarity for travelers. This paper is eager to supply new conception and indication to maintain the sustainable management of the kind of remote island.


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