  • 學位論文


The Controlled Phenomenon of Spaces and Facilities in the Interior Design of Residential Space

指導教授 : 胡寶林




In everyday life, there are many quarrels and accidents, large or small, that happen at home. The causes may lie in spatial design and the allocation strategy beside ineffective communications among family members. What exactly are the habit models that made these designs? Or who dominates designs and transfers them into a power phenomenon, intentionally or otherwise? This research observes spatial elements of core family housing, and analyzes the phenomenon of power which influences spatial allocation and the differentiation of residents’ living styles. It will then further discuss the living culture of family in micro-society. To begin with, this research analyzes cases in magazines to see essence of the living space, and summarize recent design trends as supporting evidence. The result shows that the meaning of space could not be judged solely upon its representational styles. Instead, it requires the breaking up of rigid spatial functions to meet the living needs of family in different growth stages. Second, the latent traditional cultural concept (the husband leads and the wife follows, for example) has influenced living models and spatial arrangement of residents and further, defined positions of family roles; the power phenomenon made out of the positioning has created differentiated design on genders, parent-adolescent power conflicts, and different people-space power relationships (as dominator and the dominated). Even the control of interior design had been influenced. Therefore, this research summarizes related power theories and proposes “Analytical Table of power phenomenon regarding spatial elements which influence residents” as case study materials with interviews on designers and residents, concluding a need for equality. In summary, the research points out 7 recommendations on design to avoid power domination: 1. Requirement for a diversity of flexible spatial design. 2. Consideration over minority limitations of gender and age groups. 3. Multiple functions of single space. 4. Provide perfect housework spaces and equipment, and consider over women’s right. 5. Maintain children’s autonomy. 6. Liberation of concepts on gender-equality. 7. Replace physical space with self-content conscious space where residents could give meanings and functions. Finally, it expects to encourage residents to think and interact with others on equality, and to make citizens consider more about power issues in living design.


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