  • 學位論文


The development of sleep quality assessment system and its application of using music to improve sleep quality

指導教授 : 蔡育秀


睡眠品質不良是現代人常見的問題,睡眠品質不足可能產生日常的精神不濟,還可能會罹患糖尿病、心血管疾病、膽固醇及血壓偏高等疾病。目前臨床上有音樂刺激輔助睡眠的方法,但並不是每一種音樂類型都適合所有的使用患者,所以本研究建立一套實驗平台,提供不同類型音樂刺激以及睡眠評估,以三種基本要素作為睡眠評估,包含1.總睡眠時間、2.睡眠效率、3.睡眠潛伏期。以上述三點作為睡眠評估確認每一個使用者接受音樂刺激後的影響。 本論文主要目的建構睡眠品質評估平台。系統前端透過裝置收集睡眠時的腦波、頭部的活動以及PPG訊號作為評估睡眠的資訊來源;後端電腦平台處理生理訊號、評估睡眠以及儲存所有資料,並且以圖表呈現接受各種音樂助眠後的結果。此系統可應用於判別音樂助眠之成效上。 系統經過測試後,量測裝置已經能長時間的收集資料並且及時的傳輸至軟體平台。平台上可以偵測出睡眠時的delta波,並且整夜的睡眠中可以比較出delta波頻帶能量的變化與睡眠深淺相關。以及利用睡眠時頭部的活動中找出清醒/睡著的分期,可以在平台上演算睡眠評估的三個要素。當系統應用於在實際睡眠時,音樂的刺激的確能在睡著後被關閉,所以本系統已經可使用並且應用於音樂刺激輔助睡眠的研究上。


音樂助眠 睡眠評估


Poor quality of sleeping is a common problem in modern society. Inadequate time for sleeping or bad sleep quality can cause lethargy during daily routines, and even may result in diabetes, cardiovascular, hypertension and higher cholesterin. Listening to music is a way to help people falling asleep, further the system can be used to evaluate what specific music type can help in sleep quality implement. The main objective of the study is to develop a system that can assess the sleep quality based on total sleep time, sleep efficiency and sleep latency. This study implemented a portable sleep quality assessment system, and which is consisting of a wearable physiological signal collection device, a data analysis software, and data storage subsystem. During sleep, user can use the wearable device to collect EEG, PPG and body movement status. For the sleep quality improvement by music research, the system generates music, and calculate the sleep assessment features. Also all the data will be stored in a database for later play back and checking. Performance on the system shows it can wireless, and losslessly transmit all the data to remote pc. These data can be real time processed for delta wave detection, and head movement sensing. With these information, the total sleep time, sleep efficiency and sleep latency can be derived. Also the sleep depth can be measured. When the sleep depth to a certain degree, the music generated by the system will be ceased. The results valid the system in sleep quality assessment and its application for evaluating sleep improvement by music.


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劉彥東(2013)。以 ZigBee 無線感測網路建構之 ISO/IEEE 11073 醫療裝置傳輸標準〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201300979
