  • 學位論文


Skin Lesions Recording and Quantifying System

指導教授 : 蔡正倫


皮膚癌的發生率近年有逐漸增加的趨勢,紫外線照射是造成皮膚癌的主因之一,初期的惡性黑色素看起來可能與一般的痣相同,隨著時間增加外觀變化有時是很細微的,因此患者不易自行檢查,目前醫生大多搭配皮膚鏡做詳細診斷。本研究是根據惡性黑色素ABCD診斷法開發一套量化及記錄系統,利用此系統可量化黑色素的各項特徵,方便病患記錄黑色素外觀的變化情形做初步檢測。ABCD分別指的是對稱度、邊緣平滑度、顏色均勻度與直徑長度四項特徵。 此系統利用數位顯微鏡取得皮膚影像,將影像傳入電腦後程式自動分析黑色素邊界並計算量化值,量化結果可儲存於資料庫內。藉由紀錄影像及量化數值,可以追蹤黑色素初期各項特徵的細微變化,幫助病患了解身體不同部位的黑色素變化情形,以便儘早發現異常並治療,提高治癒率。 根據分析惡性黑色素病例影像結果顯示,用傳統診斷方法不易診斷出變化程度的惡性黑色素影像,由此系統重新分析量化出的數值,可清楚紀錄黑色素變化情形。分析注射惡性黑色素後的動物實驗影像,紀錄不同時間黑色素影像的量化數值並畫出變化圖,可以了解黑色素外形特徵隨著時間變化的程度。


The number of skin cancer cases continues to rise in recent years because of high intensity ultraviolet exposure. It is not easy to identify skin cancer at the early stage, and the diagnosis of skin cancer like melanoma is still relied on a physician. In this study, a measurement system was developed for general public to take a record of any suspicious skin pigment disorder. The automatic quantification software is based on the ABCD rule of dermatoscopy for early detection of skin cancer. The ABCD rule features stand for asymmetric profile, irregular border, uneven color, and diameter larger than 6 mm, respectively. This measurement system uses a digital microscopy and a computer to grab the image of skin lesion. A computer program can automatically quantify the ABCD rule features and saved in a database for tracking the changes. The high resolution image and quantification can detect slight changes in skin pigment, and it will alert any abnormal disorder at the early stage. With the help of this system, patient can seek for treatment at the early development and have a higher recovery rate. According to analyze the clinical image of melanoma, it is not easy to diagnose changes by the traditional method. Therefore, this system can analyze and quantify data to record the changes of melanoma clearly. Through injecting B16 pigmented melanoma on mice, analyzing the experimental images and making figures by recording quantification of changes of melanoma, the result shows that melanoma can be traced clearly with any changes of characteristics.


Melanoma ABCD Rule


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