  • 學位論文


The Study of Cultural Heritage and in accordance behavior at The School of SUTOMO

指導教授 : 廖宜瑤


本次探討的主題乃於印尼蘇東牧學校歷史與華文教育發展做為引導線,進而引述一個完整的「故事」。2010年,全世界海外華人人口統計表指出印尼華人人口達到7,950,000人,是全世界排行第一多華人人口數的一個國家。又於蘇門達臘島中,棉蘭市佔有一定數量的華人人口數,是僅次於雅加達、泗水和萬隆的印尼第四大城市。但相對於印尼棉蘭華校的研究,卻沒有多少的資訊存在。所以,研究者便選以棉蘭市的一所最有歷史及著名的華校,即是前稱蘇東中學,今蘇東牧學校為研究目標對象,故本校也是棉蘭市最特別之學校。這乃因著本校學校歷史悠久(1931創校年至今)、棉蘭市唯一無宗派性質學校、全棉蘭市私立國民學校學生人數最多、培養精英、取得印尼政府榮獎、國外學校特別新加坡學校認同之私立國民學校。 其中,最令研究者深入地發掘探討,一所經過印尼政府的多次政策推動、改變下的華校,是如何的發展及其因應行為,乃值得探討研究。所以,研究者會先以探討其華校的歷史和發展,以及當前的華文教育的困難等來作一個大前提,進而深入地發掘其他觀點。所以,由此再次推論本次研究的重點,是以針對性的探討「北蘇門達臘省棉蘭市蘇東牧私立國民學校(Yayasan Perguruan Sutomo)」的華文教育歷史,且基於研究時間的限制,將集中於其具有代表性的印尼棉蘭華校作為研究個案場域並蒐集資料,再加以探討。期盼可以更深入瞭解 瞭解蘇東牧學校的未來性和發展性,以便日後的研究可能性增加。 研究結果發現,經過幾十年的起起伏伏的華文教育,蘇東牧學校終於可以繼續當初先輩為華人子女的華文教育進行發展。而社會上的華人也發現,身為印尼裔華人雖然需要先以印尼文為第一語言,英語為第二語言,但是,現在華文在印尼乃為在社會中不可或缺的一種語言。而且傳揚華文文化與教育不只針對華人民族,乃更是將其文化擴展至非華人族群的印尼國民。這樣中華文化、儒家思想成就了人們對社會的奉獻,對國家的忠誠,乃歸因於牢記先輩們是來自俱有五千年文化歷史的族群,是如此光榮的象徵。另一方面,雖然過去當局的33年禁華事件具體地影響現代的華人子女乃從零起點來學習華語,不過如今已有不一樣的新開始和景象。因為華人子女可以不受政治影響,繼續在學術方面發展,尤其是在華語教學的方面可擁有很大的發展空間,各個學校相對地也需要華語教師與適合當地的華文教材。研究者也希望爾後的台灣可與印尼有邦交,且在華文教育方面進行更多的合作,也進一步印尼的台灣或附屬華校的未來發展性。


This research is conducting a Chinese educational history and development guideline at Sutomo private school, to reveal its findings as a complete "story". In 2010, the demographic table of overseas Chinese around the world showed that Indonesia Chinese population reached 7,950,000, which represents the biggest Chinese population in the world. In Sumatra Island, Medan City, also has a large number of Chinese population, it is the fourth largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung. Unfortunately, this city has less information in educational world compared to the other cities in Indonesia. Therefore, the researcher choose the most famous and historical private school in Medan, formerly known as Su Tung Middle Chinese School, nowadays known as Sutomo private school (Yayasan Perguruan Sutomo) as the study target object. In Medan, This school is known as an extraordinary private school. The reasons are, it has a long history (found on 1931 until present), the only non-denominational private school, has the largest number of students, training elite, achieves Indonesian government Awards, being acknowledge by foreign schools especially Singaporean schools, etc. This study will deeply explore how this school survives during Indonesian Government famous historical policies, being changed from a Chinese school to private school, the education development and behaviors are worth discussing. Besides that, this study will focus on a case study and the limited time to figure out the difficulties and solutions that this school need for Chinese Mandarin study and teaching in the future. The study found that after decades of challenges in Chinese education, Sutomo private school finally can continue the school ancestors hope in developing Chinese education in Indonesia. The Chinese community in Medan also found that as the Indonesian and the descendent of Chinese ancestor, need to know Bahasa Indonesia as our first language, English as a second language, nowadays Chinese language become an integral part of the social lives in the world and also in Indonesia. As Indonesian born Chinese we introduce Chinese culture and education not only for Indonesian Chinese ethnic groups in Indonesia but also extend to non-Chinese ethnic groups. Chinese culture, Confucianism, achievement of social dedication, loyalty to the country, this is the hope from the five thousand years of cultural history ancestor. The 33-year ban on Chinese activities has directly affected modern Chinese education nowadays in Medan. They need to learn Chinese Mandarin from the beginning, but it is a new beginning. Without political influence, we have lots of room for development. The researcher also hopes that both Taiwan and Indonesia will build diplomatic relations, more cooperation in education and develop Mandarin Chinese teaching materials for Medan students.


