  • 學位論文


A Study of the Bricloage Strategy of the Pre-school Textbook Publishers on Dealing with the Competition—Taking H Company as an Example

指導教授 : 李明彥 賴正育


傳統的純粹競爭是以累積資源來建構企業優勢,但在瞬息萬變的動態競爭環境中,資源並不是那麼容易就能掌握或者被開發。在現今的產業發展及競爭局勢中,企業並不容易擁有一個純粹而完整的資源,多數仰賴資源拼湊、重組、整合而來。本研究採用案例研究法,以學齡前教材出版商為主要研究對象,訪談幼教師、幼兒園負責人、經銷商、個案公司編輯、企劃等利害關係人,探索當企業面臨資源短缺,且發展相對處於劣勢的環境之下,如何拼湊身旁有形和無形的資源,將既有資源加以重新組合產生新資源的概念,來提升戰略自由度,仍有機會逆勢創新找到解套限制的方法。 本研究個案透過「就地取材、將就著用、資源重組」的脈絡,以有限資源來回應限制的隨創概念,發展《禮物書》及《主題教學資源包》產品,並以質性研究中的案例研究法,進行利害關係人深度訪談及資料蒐集與分析。研究的核心發現是,當企業處於劣勢的情境之下,隨創者通常會有兩種可能的作為,一種是機會辨識未能正確的回應限制,不但無法解除原限制,卻又引發了新的問題與限制,因而陷入了為隨創而隨創的窘境。另一種隨創作為則是,透過精準的時機辨識來回應限制,這種機會辨識比較可能有好的發展結果,且能成功的解除限制,為劣勢者找到化阻力為助力的一線曙光。


資源基礎 競爭優勢 隨創


The traditional pure competition is to accumulate resources to build the enterprise's advantage, but in the rapidly changing dynamic competitive environment, resources are not so easy to grasp or be developed. In the current industrial development and competition situation, it is not easy for an enterprise to have a pure and complete resource, and most of them rely on the patchwork, reorganization and integration of resources. This study uses a case study approach, with preschool textbook publishers as the main research objects, interviews with preschool teachers, kindergarten owners, distributors, case company editors, planning and other stakeholders to explore when the enterprise faces resource shortages and its development is at a disadvantage, how to piece together the tangible and intangible resources, and regroup existing resources to generate new resources to enhance strategic freedom, it still has the opportunity to counter the trend and innovate to find a way to remove restrictions. In this research, through the context of "in-place materials, use what you have, resource reorganization", the case company responded to the limitation of Bricolage concept and developed the "Gift Book" and "Themed Teaching Resource Pack" products. This study uses case study in qualitative research to conduct in-depth interviews with stakeholders and data collection and analysis.The study found that when companies are at a disadvantage, Bricolages usually have two possible actions. One is that the opportunity identification fails to respond correctly to the restriction. Not only the original restriction can not be lifted, but it has also caused new problems and restrictions, so it has fallen into the dilemma of creating with it. Another one is to respond to restrictions through accurate timing identification. This kind of opportunity identification is more likely to have good development results and can successfully lift the restrictions, finding a glimmer of hope for the disadvantaged to turn resistance into help.


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