  • 學位論文


A Study on Zone Expropriation

指導教授 : 姚志明


憲法第 15 條規定,人民之財產權,應予保障。然而「財產權」仍有其社會義務性,國家得以公共利益之需求,對人民之財產做出合理之限制與剝奪。土地徵收即是一例,國家得因公共事業或為增進公共利益之目的,依照法定程序給予補償,徵收人民的土地。國家徵收人民土地的方式,主要是一般徵收與區段徵收,然而近年來國家徵收土地,大量地使用區段徵收的結果,時常引起爭議而受社會矚目並飽受抨擊。 本文以憲法對財產權的保障出發,除了將一一檢視憲法財產權對土地徵收制度的要求,區段徵收制度在憲法上應該受到何種拘束,並以實際案例檢視國家在實施區段徵收時,實務作業上所引起之爭議,梳理行政法院對區段徵收爭議之見解,完整的探討,並提出自己的見解,期望對改善區段徵收制度之不足盡份心力,讓區段徵收制度更臻完善,得以兼顧公益和私益兩者間之衡平,以符合憲法保障人民財產權之精神。


Article 15 of the Constitution of the Republic of China guarantees the people’s property rights. However, “property rights” still must meet certain social obligations. The government can reasonably limit or take away people’s assets when public interest requires it. Land expropriation is one such example. The government can appropriate private land and provide compensation to owners according to law when there is a public enterprise or public welfare need. There are two general types of land appropriate by the government, general expropriation and zone expropriation. In recent years, the government’s use of zone expropriation has often caused disputes, social attention, and criticism. We used the guarantee of property rights in the constitution as the starting point to inspect constitutional requirements regarding property rights and land expropriation, how the constitution restricts zone expropriation, and the disputes that have occurred in actual government implementation of zone expropriation. We also organized and explored the opinions of the administrative courts in zone expropriation disputes, and provided our opinions. This is expected to improve deficiencies in the zone expropriation system, and make the system more complete. Thus, a balance can be reached between public and private interest that conform to constitutional guarantee of the people’s property rights.


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