  • 學位論文


The comparisons of the quality attributes between the business hotels and the resort hotels

指導教授 : 楊錦洲


面對全球國際化之競爭環境衝擊,政府在挑戰2008年國家發展建設計畫的「設立亞太營運中心」與「觀光客倍增計畫」裡,其目的是促使國際間交流和興盛國內觀光旅遊且為國內帶來可觀的外匯收入,此時,旅館產業就佔有不可缺席之地,必須提供高品質且符合顧客需求的服務屬性,以提升顧客滿意度。 本研究擬以商務型與渡假型兩不同經營型態的旅館比較其品質屬性之差異處,以便利性問卷調查其住房旅客對服務品質屬性所感到之重要度與滿意度,和品質屬性具備與未具備時其滿意程度。問卷分析部分引用重要度-滿意度模式(Impotance-Satisfaction model,I-S)結合改善係數(Improvement index,Ii)將品質屬性劃分成四項區域並排列改善順序,接著運用Kano與精化(Refined)Kano二維模式歸類其品質屬性,發掘對住房旅客具有魅力或高附加價值的屬性,並比較兩家旅館在歸屬上之異同性,另外,針對人口統計變數檢定其對各品質屬性重要度、滿意度及整體滿意度是否具有顯著影響。 最後,彙整商務型與渡假型旅館之品質屬性歸類表進而給予個案旅館改善建議,未來研究方向可朝建立一通用定價策略,瞭解各品質屬性之使用率,以消除不重要且使用率低之屬性,降低收費價格提高本身旅館之競爭優勢。


Due to the global internationalization of the competitive environment, the objectives of establishing the Asia-Pacific Regional Operations Center (APROC) and redoubling the tourists which the government challenges to develop national construction planning in 2008 are to promote the international communication and internal tourism to increase foreign-exchange income. It is essential for the hotel to provide the highest service quality to meet the customers’ needs. In this study, we discuss the differences of the quality attributes between the business hotels and the resort hotels. We use the convenient questionnaire to investigate the expectative importance, the perceptive satisfaction and the satisfaction degree of service-quality-attribute fulfillment/un-fulfillment of the tourists. Using Importance-Satisfaction model (I-S) and Improvement index (Ii) divides quality attributes into four areas, and prioritizes the improvement activities. We category them and find the attractive or high value-added attributes and the differences by Kano model and Refined Kano model. In addition, demographic static’s variables are applied to test the significant effects for the importance、the satisfaction and the whole satisfaction. We conclude the quality attributes’ category of the business hotels and the resort hotels to provide improvement suggestions. For the further research, we may examine the utility rates of quality attributes for eliminating unimportant and low utility rates, and reducing price to enhance the competition by establishing common pricing strategy


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