  • 學位論文


A study with artificial neural network on estimating rainfall by using satellite cloud image

指導教授 : 王安培


臺灣土石流災害嚴重,目前預警系統無法達到好的效果,使得土石流的發生造成人民的生命財產嚴重損壞。大量的降雨是造成土石流災害的重大因素之一,而每年的5-10月之間,是颱風密集侵台的月份,時常對臺灣山坡地造成嚴重的土石流災害。所以如何在颱風侵台期間,正確又快速的推估降雨量,對土石流預警是非常重要的。因此,本研究的目的是為了推估颱風期間之降雨量,以利於防災之用。 本研究以石門水庫上游集水區為研究對象,並利用西元1996年至2003年間侵台的颱風之雲頂溫度及雨量資料,以類神經網路(Artificial Neural Network,ANN)建立石門水庫集水區雲頂溫度-降雨量模式,以推估石門水庫未來3小時降雨量。 模式結果可發現兩個特性。其一,對於類似地形特性的雨量站,其雲頂溫度推估降雨量模式的特性也類似,以往也有很多研究顯示,降雨受到地域、地形相當大的影響。其二,對於同一雨量站,雲頂溫度與具有豪大雨颱風的降雨量,有較高的相關係數。而對於降雨量較少的颱風,其模式結果較差,降雨量與雲頂溫度的相關係數也較低。 本模式對於降雨量大之颱風,成果相當好,符合此研究的目的,對土石流災害防制有所幫助。因此,雖然此模式對於降雨量小的颱風,效果較差,仍是符合此研究之目的。模式結果以均方根誤差(RMSE)、累積雨量誤差,兩項評比指標,評估其適用性。


There are debris flow disasters in recently years in Taiwan. Since present warning system is hard to reach satisfied results, debris flows frequently cause serious loss on not only human’s life but also their property. Heavy rain is one of the factors that caused debris flows. The precipitation usually concentrates during typhoon season from May to October every year. A question as to how to estimate typhoon rainfall rapidly and accurately has become very important for early warning of debris flows. The purpose of this study is to learn about estimating typhoon rainfall by using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with cloud temperature. The Shihmen Reservoir and its watershed are taken as example area of study,and data of cloud temperature and rainfall of invading typhoon from 1996 to 2003 are collected in this study. A temperature-rainfall model is established to predict rainfall at 3 hours later in Shihmen Reservoir. Two results are found: Firstly, rain stations with similar geographic properties have similar temperature-rainfall models. It means that landform affects rainfall condition. The past references also demonstrate this. Secondly, for the same rain station, the cloud temperature relates highly with heavy rainfall. The results display that the model performed well especially in the big typhoon events. Although for the small typhoon events the model did not perform as good as for the big ones, the errors are still acceptable. The results of this paper could serve as a fine reference for predicting debris flow induced by typhoon invasion.


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