  • 學位論文


Numerical Investigations in the Propagations and Interactions of Blast Waves

指導教授 : 鄧治東


摘要(Abstract in Chinese) 有關爆炸所產生爆震波的物理現象研究已逾半個世紀,其中包括了震波的反射、繞射現象、震波之間及震波與渦流的相互影響。隨著炸藥威力增強,有關爆炸震波產生之危害效應,不僅在於軍事戰場上,恐怖組織往往利用它作為威脅、破壞的武器,諸如汽車炸彈、旅館爆炸,甚至工業應用上的瓦斯氣爆等,其產生之威脅性極大,故研究相關震波現象的工程專家主要利用實驗與數值方法,深入研究爆炸的物理現象和發展出可預測爆炸波影響區域的技術。 於爆震波傳遞及反射等流場現象計算上,使用有限體積法計算可壓縮、依時性之流場,並進行爆震波傳導行為之研究,模型建構上採用多區塊網格系統,本數值模擬方式採上風TVD (Total Variation Diminishing)數值法解無黏性Euler方程組;並用人工耗散項最小的Roe’s Solver,配合Kappa高階MUSCL Scheme解決在空間通量計算方面的問題;而在時間離散方面,則採用具二階精度的Hancock法則進行時間積分。 本研究目標在於研究數值模擬軟體應用於震波行為之預測,首先針對震波傳導、交互作用及反射行為之驗證及基本進行研究,並完成三維及動態網格模式之案例研究與分析討論。本論文初步完成所預設之目標,於未來研究上,將進一步改良模擬模式,使程式能計算兩固體接觸時,空間為零之狀況,以擴增及精進模擬結果。


Abstract The physical phenomena associated with blast waves have been studied for more than half a century. The complex shock-shock and shock-vortex interaction phenomena which take place following the detonation of an explosive device include reflection, diffusion and consolidation events. Following the excessive threats posed by high explosive devices, the explosive effect of blast wave employed not only in the battlefield, but also as a threatening force by the terrorists. The blast wave causes serious damages in events such as the vehicle bombing, hotel explosion, and the detonation of fuel gas in industry. Researchers have utilized both experimental and numerical approaches in attempts to clarify the physics of the blast phenomena and in development of techniques to predict the likely effects of blast waves. This thesis presents the investigations of the behaviors of blast waves by employing the finite volume method and by solving the associated time-dependent, compressible flow. The complex transitional shock phenomena are studied by means of a multi-block mesh system and a flux computational model. The Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) upwind method is applied. Spatial discretization is performed using the Roe’s solver with high-order Kappa Monotone Upwind-centered Schemes for Conservation Laws (MUSCL) interpolation. Time integration is achieved via the second-order explicit Hancock method. To attain the goals of developing and applying a numerical code to predict the behaviors of blast waves, validation and fundamental studies in interaction, propagation and reflection of blast waves are done. Meanwhile, the analytical results obtained from simulating the three-dimensional and dynamic meshing system cases are also discussed. In summary, the objectives of preliminary research on the study of phenomena related to blast waves have been satisfied in this thesis. Furthermore, the computational scheme needs to be improved to overcome the calculating problems associated with the moving solid body for which no space between solid bodies is assumed.


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