  • 學位論文


The Research of Cultural Ecology of Millet of Bunon

指導教授 : 戴永禔


昔日原住民各族群曾經用相當長久的時期不斷尋找建立部落地點,依據農耕、採集、狩獵及漁撈等需求,發展一套與土地互動的模式,以分享其山林、河流以及海洋資源。原住民的生活方式需與自然和諧共處;反之,與現代工業化社會掠奪自然的模式完全不同。一個環境足以保證種族、個體的健康、維持生物種類的生存,那麼它就是一個好的聚落環境,它具有三個特徵:1.延續性、2.安全、3.和諧。這無疑涵藏一種永續的概念,是過去原住民族生活中真正的實踐。布農族人對於不同生長期的小米有以下各種不同的稱呼:maduh、miu-luk、minbanitul、mibuhutug、misapah、vali-nagsa、mikis-kis、mibulav/min-nauaz、masa-sa,由此可見他們對於小米的重視是異於其他民族的。小米在原生社會中,扮演著極為重要的角色。它不僅是糧食來源,更是社會地位、家庭財富的象徵,因此原住民相當重視關於小米的種植與收穫。人類與自然界其他的生物物種經長時間的、且對雙方皆有利的互動關係而在人類社會中所產生的經驗法則被定義為「傳統生態智慧」。如何藉由傳統生態智慧作適當的調整與應用以因應環境的轉變,是研究文化生態學的首要課題。利用民族學田野調查方式進行,強調直接參與觀察、調查及訪問,探討人類及環境之間的交互作用之關聯性,以瞭解其文化發展脈絡。有鑑於此,本文試圖藉由瞭解布農族對於小米的看法、栽植的方式以及小米的發展歷程,進而探討當人類在適應環境時,文化是如何發揮它的動態功能。亦即以文化生態學 (cultural ecology) 的角度對布農族的小米進行探析,以便探討小米及其衍生文化意涵對於布農族精神與生活的重要性且從中瞭解布農族人與小米的互動流程,以描述原住民對於自然的敏銳而發展出共生機制。


Every indigenous tribes in the past was constantly looking for and setting up the settlement with a long period of time. To fulfilling the demand of crops via agriculture and harvests via gathering, hunting, and fishing, a set of means to interact and share the forests and rivers with all organisms on the land. It is essential that the indigenes needs to be harmoniously coexist with the natural. On the contrary, it is completely different from the living style of robbing nature in the modern industrialized society. A sound settlement appears three characteristics, i.e. (1) continuity; (2) safe; (3) harmonious, which guarantees health of both individuals and the race and maintains existence of the biological species. It is undoubtedly that the practice in the traditional indigenous life contains sustainability. Bunon tribe has at least 9 titles to the millet for its different growth stages as follows: maduh, miu-luk, minbanitul, mibuhutug, misapah, vali-nagsa, mikis-kis, mibulav/min-nauaz, masa-sa. It is perceived that the Bunon depends more on the millet than other tribes. The millet is playing an extremely important role in the indigenous society. It is not only the source of grain, but also the symbols of social position, the wealth of a family, or even more. Therefore, the Bunon has to spend more time and efforts on millet. The Bunon and other biological species have mutually beneficially interacted with each other for a long time. The rules made by the experience of human/organism interaction are defined as ' traditional ecological knowledge '. Cultural ecology is a discipline dealing with questions, such as how people make proper adjustment to responds the change of environment by traditional ecological knowledge. Using ethnological methods for the field investigation, this study will emphasize on participating, observing, investigating and visiting a Bunon village and analyze the interaction between the mankind and its environment. It will also attempt to understand the point of view from Bunon to the millet, agricultural processes of millet, and the development of millet in Bunon. Furthermore, this study will explain how culture plays its dynamic function when mankind adapts to the environment. The interaction between the Bunon and the millet can reveal the mechanism of symbiosis which is developed from the sensitivity of indigenes to the nature.


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朗蔚‧瑪拉斯拉散(2017)。祈禱小米豐收歌的圓滿經驗: 台灣布農族吟唱pasibutbut意識狀態初探〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201703410
