  • 學位論文

以「生活環境博物館」之觀點探討歷史遺址之新意涵 -以台南安平古堡為例

Discovering the New Meaning of Historical Sites via Ecomuseum- Taking An-Ping Castle in Tainan as an Example

指導教授 : 倪晶瑋


台灣島自西方航海時期來,經荷西、明鄭、清朝、日本各時期的經營,留下有形或無 形的多元文化遺產。在都市化快速發展與周休二日風潮的助瀾下,歷史古蹟與遺址的 保存及再利用倍顯重要。生活環境博物館(Ecomuseum)是當前博物館展示趨勢中, 以地方居民與現地保存為理念的區域型展示策略,主張將自然生態或歷史古蹟融入現 代人生活中,並加入地方居民參與,使其得以永續經營。這個策略與場所精神理論, 建立地方特質的精神相符。因此,本研究以台灣島最早發展據點:安平古堡為例,以 場所精神為理論依據、以生態博物館為展示策略,將安平古堡的歷史遺址,建構為熱 蘭遮城生活環境博物館,藉以促進地方發展與對生態博物館理論在台灣的應用,做一 具體建議。研究方法含田野調查、耆老與地方文史工作者訪談、文獻及史料之分析、 彙整與比較。具體研究結果如下: 1. 台灣應以生態博物館的策略,取代以往單一歷史景點、單一歷史博物館的斷續歷史 再現經營方式。 2. 地方政策決策者應以上位複合式的整合觀,重新審視、詮釋歷史遺址。 3. 以「場所精神」所建構的生態博物館,可具體彰顯地方特質、歷史與生活內涵。 4. 以「場所精神」所建構的生態博物館,可提供參訪者以行動及體驗,建構對歷史遺 址的新認知。 本研究由場所精神的觀點,提出熱城生活環境博物館之建構策略與展示內容,並對其 應用做出具體建議。建議後續研究如下: 1. 熱城生活環境博物館中,展示物件與空間的細部規劃策略。 2. 生活環境博物館之新應用範疇與內涵。


Abstract Since the era of Great Voyage, Taiwan has accumulated a large number of cultural heritage from the following 4 periods: Dutch-Spanish Colonization, Ming-Dynasty, Ching-Dynasty and Japanese Colonization. Due to the urbanization and the weekly two-day-off policy, cultural heritage, its conservation and revival strategy have become more and more important. Eco-museum, with its integrated natural sites, cultural heritage and local human resources is the most successful model to interpret local life and culture. That echoes with the essence of the theory of Genius Loci. This study based on the theory of Genius Loci, applying the ecomuseum strategy into the An-Ping Castle, one of the most significant historical sites in south Taiwan, in order to revive and redevelop the obsolete castle and its neighborhood. Methods used in this study are: fieldwork, interviews with historians and local old men, analysis of literature. Results can be summed up as follow: 1. Central authorities should integrate the isolated historical sites into the interwoven ecomuseum network. Extending the individual interpretation of history to a comprehensive local culture. 2. Local authorities should redefine and reinvent the value of its cultural heritage. Integrated redevelopment strategy is an appropriate policy for managing cultural heritage. 3. Eco-museum, combined with the strength of Genius Loci, can reflect local spatial characteristics, history and details of life. Exploring experiences from the mentioned eco-museum can bring visitors a new and diffenrent cultural cognition then ever. Suggestions for further studies are as follow: 1. Detail design strategies of the mentioned ecomuseum. 2. New planning concepts of ecomuseum and further appliances for it.


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„ 張裕騰譯(1994):《全球村中博物館的未來》,稻香出版社,台北
„ Joseph Veach Noble,林美齡譯(1994):《博物館宣言》,博物館學季刊8 期第4 季
„ 林會承(2002):《台灣清末洋式建築研究—洋關、領事館、燈塔及洋行》,藝術評論


