  • 學位論文


Research on Investigation Process of Historical Wood-Structural Buildings and their Surroundings Attacked by Termites in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡明哲 薛琴


台灣古蹟木構造建築暨周遭環境白蟻危害調查程序之研究 私立中原大學建築研究所碩士學位論文 民國九十五年七月 研究生:張顥耀 指導教授:薛琴、蔡明哲 中文摘要 台灣當前的古蹟建築,以木構造為主體結構者達六成以上,而白蟻危害可說是木構造古蹟建築最大威脅者。然而,要實收防治之效則必須做好白蟻危害調查的先驗工作!因此筆者對於白蟻危害調查階段的種種方法該如何進行,彼此間孰先孰後等關係進行系統性的整理論述,進而提出一套建議調查程序流程,以期對古蹟木構造建築的白蟻危害調查工作有所裨益,確定白蟻活動重點位置作為後續防治工程的重要依據,確實解決白蟻危害問題,使古蹟木構造建築能永續屹立,進而將其建築藝術及社會價值流傳後世,讓後人得以瞻仰先民遺風。 本文在第一章提出三個主要課題: (1). 整理概述台灣本土主要食木白蟻的生活習性,建立對白蟻生態的基本認知。 (2). 整理國內當前各種白蟻危害調查方法的進行模式。 (3). 提出古蹟木構造暨周遭環境白蟻危害調查的建議程序流程。 分別於第二、三、四章與之因應並論述之。 第二章先對一般白蟻的生態習性進行通盤性的論述,再進一步探討台灣四種主要的食木白蟻。冀望以此作為將來著手現場白蟻危害調查時的重要依據。 第三章以少數文獻、訪談經驗豐富的蟲蟻防治人員以及筆者自身參予現場白蟻危害調查工作的經驗提出九種白蟻危害調查方法,並逐一探討,作為擬定白蟻危害調查建議程序之依據。 第四章以第三章的九種方法為依據,先行論述其相互關係進而提出古蹟木構造暨周遭環境白蟻危害調查的建議程序流程。之後再以筆者親身參與的四個具代表性的案例來評估此程序流程。 承上各章研究論述,第五章所得結論有三: 1. 進行白蟻危害調查時,可由其生態特性及活動痕跡來找出白蟻活動位置。 2. 根據各種白蟻危害調查方法的特色及調查位置,適時、適當、有順序地並用於各古蹟木構造現場;在減少破壞古蹟、不驚走白蟻的條件下,找出白蟻活動位置。 3. 白蟻危害調查程序可分為三大階段進行:初步調查階段、儀器調查階段、確認調查階段。其詳細建議程序可參照【圖5-1】。 關鍵字:古蹟、木構造、白蟻、白蟻危害、白蟻危害調查方法、白蟻危害調查程序


Research on Investigation Process of Historical Wood-Structural Buildings and their Surroundings Attacked by Termites in Taiwan July-2006 By Hao-Yao Chang Thesis Adviser : Associate Professor : Chyn Shiue & Ming-Jer Tsai Abstract Currently in Taiwan, over sixty percents of the historical buildings are wood-framed. Therefore, the biological hazard brought by termites can be the biggest threat to these buildings. For an attack prevention of termites, we must understand thoroughly about the techniques for termite detection at first. In this thesis, I have discussed the method and the process of termite detection from several related researches systematically, and then suggested a set of procedures for termite detection. The procedures can be helpful by spotting the areas of termite activity which is an important basis for future prevention and solution to this problem. Thus, the life of these historical buildings can be further extended, and the architectural features and cultural values of our unique society can be passed down to the next generations. In the first chapter, there are three key points: (1) The generalization of basic knowledge and lifestyle of termites in Taiwan. (2) The generalization of existing techniques for termite detection. (3) The suggestion for the procedure of termite detection. More further discuss of these three points will present in chapter 2, 3 and 4. In the second chapter, I have introduced the ecological environment and the habitual behavior of termites in general. I have then focused on four kinds of termites, Coptotermes formosanus, Reticulitermes flaviceps Oshima, Odontotermes formosanus shiraki and drywood termites, which are the main causes of the damage to historical buildings in Taiwan. This can be an important basis for future investigation of termite detection at the scene. In the third chapter, I have collected related literature, interviewed some experienced people in the field of pest control and prevention, and joined investigations at the scene to form a basis for further discussion. In the forth chapter, I have used nine techniques mentioned above as the basis, discussed their mutual relationship, and then suggested a set of procedures for termite detection. At last, four cases are used for evaluation of the effect. In the fifth chapter, I have made a conclusion: (1) While making termite detection, we can spot the areas of termite activity by their lifestyle and marks left by them. (2) While using techniques for termite detection, we must pay attention on time, place, and order. The best situation is to detect termites without destroying historical buildings and without frightening away termites. (3) The procedures of termite detection can be separated in three steps, including initial investigation, instrument investigation, and final investigation. The procedures are clearly presented in Picture 5-1. Keywords:historical building, wood-framed, termite, termite hazard, termite detection


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