  • 學位論文

虛擬文本與技術型態之藝術創作研究 -以一九九五年至二○○五年之台灣為例

Study on the Artistic Creation of Virtual Text and Technique Types - with Reference to Taiwan from 1995 to 2005

指導教授 : 吳鼎武


台灣創作環境於九○年代以後受到政治、科技以及文化衝擊…等諸多因素影響,產生了許多符合潮流之新型態創作觀念及表現方式,虛擬型態的創作正是具代表性指標之一。其簡單的定義是:創作者運用同態(homomorphic)或同構(isomorphic)的方式製造一個模擬假像的真實,使觀者在感受過程中產生錯覺,並因此達到創作者所要傳達目的之創作型態。 本研究首先藉由文獻探討歸納國內外虛擬型態創作的脈絡:包含定義、特徵、發展與案例…等。接著分析「虛擬」概念議題。「虛擬」概念分為兩種:一是虛擬文本的虛擬真實;一為虛擬技術的虛擬效果。在虛擬文本的虛擬真實之探討上,國內虛擬實擬創作在理念或手法上多是反映當時社會議題或文化現象;而在虛擬技術的虛擬效果上,則著重於「虛擬真實」技術相關理論分析,以探討虛擬型態創作的模擬過程與形式。接著歸結上述資料,以求探索台灣虛擬型態創作之緣起與發展、表現與手法、所象徵之文化現象、以及個案探討,最後實際執行創作以驗證之。


實擬 虛擬


The creative environment of Taiwan after 1990, subjected to influences of politics, technology, and culture, has created new creative concepts and expressions that meet the trend, of which, artistic creation of virtual types is one of the representative ones. It is defined as: the creator uses homomorphic or isomorphic method to create a reality that simulates the virtuality, so that the audience experience delusion which is the goal of the creator. This study used literature review to generalize the context of artistic creation of virtual types: including definition, characteristics, development and case study. The concept of virtuality was analyzed, which could be categorized into two types: virtual reality of virtual text, and virtual effect of virtual technology. In terms of the discussions on virtual text, the virtual reality/real virtuality creation in Taiwan mostly reflect the social issues and cultural phenomena; the virtual effect of virtual technology focuses on the theories of virtual reality related technology, in order to discuss the simulation model and form of artistic creation of virtual types. Based on the above discussion, this study explored the origin, development, expressive forms and techniques, symbolized cultures, and case study of artistic creation of virtual types in Taiwan, and verified with actual artistic creation of virtual types.


Virtual Reality Real Virtulity


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