  • 學位論文


A Qualitative Research of Exploring the High Job Involvement of High School Teachers under the Pension Reform

指導教授 : 丁姵元


年金改革對教師族群帶來各種層面的影響,除了降低教師的職業聲望,在職教師的生涯規劃因為經濟保障因素受波動,年輕世代想成為老師的志向也受影響。因此,要如何維持教師的士氣,成為教育界重要的議題,因為教育是師生雙方互動的過程,有充滿熱情與活力教師,才能帶動學生的學習。 本質性研究主要目的在訪問一些不受年金改革影響的老師,瞭解他們持續高度工作投入的原因。這群不受年金改革影響,熱情投入教改並參與108新課綱的老師,他們在早期已經立定工作志向,由於喜愛教學工作,教改的多元課程給他們更多機會去做工作上的變化,他們不斷地學習之後運用新知與技能,並且在學生身上看到教育工作能發揮更多的影響力,進而更願意投入教育工作與提升自己的專業能力。這群樂在工作的老師以正向的態度來看待年金改革,認為讓下一世代更好是他們衷心的盼望,也希望上一個世代的退休教師能以正向的態度來面對年金改革,此外,政府應採完善的措施,以提供整體社會。更長遠的規劃。本研究主旨在發掘年改下不同的聲音,以提供高中教師更多元想法或方法來調適自己,作為提升工作投入及規畫個人工作與調適心態之參考依據。


The 2018 pension reform in Taiwan has influenced high school teachers in different aspects. To name a few, the social status and the tenure of in-service teachers are on the slide. Hence, the recruitment of younger teachers will not be achieved as expected. Therefore, how to keep up the morale of teachers has become an important issue. It is because a teacher with enthusiasm and vitality will surely enhance students' learning. The purpose of this study is to explore a group of teachers who are still highly involved in their job despite the disadvantages. It is found that they have chosen teaching as their lifelong career at an early stage. They love their job and are willing to elevate themselves in the workplace. The new curriculum allows them to enjoy more autonomy with their work. Through workshops and collaboration, they sharpen their professional skills and demonstrate their abilities. This group of teachers take the pension reform well, and think it is their heartfelt hope to enjoy generation equity. They also call for the retired teachers to see the reform in a new light. Moreover, the government should provide high school teachers as well as the society with a balanced and secure welfare system. Under the pension reform, this qualitative research explores high school teachers’ motivation and high job involvement. Thus, it provides other high school teachers with more ideas or strategies to adjust themselves to the new policy. What has been found also serves as a reference for improving job involvement and personal career planning to the high school teachers in Taiwan.


內政部(2012)。國民年金行政救濟制度之研究 。內政部委託研究報告,頁53
