  • 學位論文


The Research on Diagnostic Indicators of Total Brand Management for Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃承令
共同指導教授 : 吳珮涵


進入21世紀以來,各國對品牌愈加重視,品牌力即代表國力及文化影響力,更是經濟實力的展現。對臺灣近98%的中小企業而言,因缺乏資源而造成品牌管理上的諸多問題,無法進行品牌診斷的有效執行,故全面品牌管理對企業有迫切的需要。本研究基於品牌理論及品牌專家視角,擬建立一套全面品牌管理診斷系統架構,以適用於臺灣的中小企業,協助驅動品牌策略發展,激發品牌創新活力,提升品牌價值。故本研究係針對經濟部工業局「臺灣品牌耀飛計畫」專家及顧問進行評測,藉由專家問卷及修正式德爾菲研究法DANP(DEMATEL-based ANP),萃取品牌管理的診斷構面及指標,從初級資料調查中取得有效樣本,以確保研究信度與效度驗證的精確性。運用修正式德爾菲研究法與重要度績效分析IPA(Importance Performance Analysis),建構臺灣中小企業品牌管理績效模型,完成全面品牌管理診斷績效系統藍圖。研究發現如下: 1.於管理學、設計學與傳播學領域理論與實務中,歸納品牌管理五大趨勢,六大構面、三十項診斷指標。其中品牌管理五大趨勢分別為:市場傳播、品牌關係、形象識別、品牌競爭、品牌資產等;六大品牌管理構面分別為:價值傳遞、文化呈現、品牌識別、品牌體驗、市場表現、競爭前景等。三十項品牌診斷指標分群為:「價值傳遞」管理構面的指標有品牌形象、品牌價值、首想品牌、品牌溢價、品牌關係等;「文化呈現」管理構面的指標有使命、核心價值、願景、價值主張、品牌內化等;「品牌識別」管理構的指標有品牌個性、品牌基因、品牌故事、品牌識別系統、品牌語調等;「品牌體驗」管理構面的指標有品牌觸點、感官體驗、情感體驗、知識體驗、行動體驗;「市場表現」管理構面的指標有品牌忠誠度、品牌美譽度、品牌知名度、品牌市占率、品牌滿意度等;「競爭前景」管理構面的指標有品牌定位、品牌創新、品牌資源、品牌資產、品牌全球化等。其中二十三項為關鍵指標,其餘七項為柔性(次要)指標。 2.經德爾菲實驗室研究法結果的關聯性影響順序,依次為「文化呈現」、「價值傳遞」、「品牌體驗」、「品牌識別」、「市場表現」、「競爭前景」等。可見企業組織於品牌管理過程中,應優先掌握自身文化和價值傳遞的核心議題,才能趨動品牌管理績效和品牌影響力。「使命」、「價值核心」是「文化呈現」構面中管理的關鍵指標,將其列為優先改善重點,可能是最有效的方法。「品牌形象」是「價值傳遞」構面的關鍵指標,例如優異的產品或服務形象,可成為顧客心中首想品牌(Top of mind)的要件,除了吸引主要客群外,更能驅動品牌價值和品牌溢價,進而維繫品牌的忠誠度。「品牌觸點」、「感官體驗」兩項皆列為「品牌體驗」中重要關鍵指標且相互影響,「品牌觸點」關聯度之D-R呈現出最大值,且重要度之D+R值為正值,顯示其為最主要的關鍵影響指標。可見優異的產品及服務需要絕佳的通路和觸點,才能有效引發聲量和曝光度,是績效達成率更高的著力點。「品牌基因」是「品牌識別」構面中的關鍵指標,品牌推廣前品牌精髓(Brand Essenss)也是先決條件,優異的產品及服務必須來自於獨特的品牌精髓才能獲得廣大的認同與迴響,始可在市場中贏得先機。「品牌美譽度」是「市場表現」構面中的關鍵指標,可將其列為首要改善重點;另外「品牌忠誠度」的影響力與「品牌美譽度」相當,中小企業為求在市場進行決策可將其納入優先指標。而「品牌定位」是「競爭前景」構面中最關鍵指標,也是優勢競爭力評比的首要指標,故精準定位才能成功達成品牌發展的目標。 3.本研究藉由專家對臺灣中小企業的品牌輔導經驗,以現階段品牌管理績效評分問卷,構建績效落點分析圖表,釐清臺灣中小企業品牌管理落點狀態,透過視覺化落點分佈,可迅速診斷品牌健康現況,有效進行品牌全面改善及優化。經專家評測結果發現,臺灣中小企業在全面品牌管理診斷指標落點分析中多數表現「普通」,於前十大關鍵重要指標中表現較好的項目有品牌形象、品牌忠誠度、品牌價值、核心價值、品牌基因、品牌美譽度等六項,需優先改善的項目有使命、品牌個性、品牌觸點及首想品牌等四項。 4.本研究重要績效IPA結構模型分析可了解現階段品牌的健康狀態,評量方式可與同業相互比較後的分數進行評測,或透過內部績效與外部績效結果評測後再以平均值推算,產出落點分析視覺化圖表,可作為日後強化品牌管理的參考依據,且可避開品牌管理風險,提升品牌進入市場成功的機會。


Since the beginning of the 21st century, each country has been increasingly paying more attention to branding, which represents the power and cultural influence of a nation, as well as its economic strength. For nearly 98% of small and medium enterprises in Taiwan, a lack of resources has created many problems in brand management and the inability of enterprises to implement effective brand diagnostics strategies, hence the urgent need for brand management. Based in brand theory and brand experts’ perspectives, this study aims to establish a comprehensive brand management system theory and develop a comprehensive brand management diagnostic system model for Taiwan’s small and medium enterprises to drive the development of brand strategies, stimulate brand innovation, and enhance brand value. This study is aimed at evaluating experts and consultants of the “Branding Taiwan Forward Program,” sponsored by Taiwan’s Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. By using expert questionnaires and the Delphi method, we extracted diagnostic components and criteria of brand management, established management diagnostic indicators, and obtained valid samples from primary data surveys to ensure reliability and validity. The Delphi method and the IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis) were used to construct a brand management performance model for Taiwan’s small and medium enterprises and complete a blueprint for a comprehensive brand management diagnostic performance system. The research findings are as follows: 1.In the theories and practices of management, design, and communication sciences, there are five major trends, six dimensions, and 30 diagnostic indicators of brand management. The five management trends are marketing communication, brand relationship, image identity, brand competition, and brand assets. The six brand management dimensions are value transfer, cultural Appearance, brand identity, brand experience, market performance, and competitive prospects. The thirty brand diagnostic indicators are grouped as follows: “Transmissions of value” management orientation includes brand image, brand value, top of mind brand, brand premium, and brand relationship. “Cultural Appearance” management orientation includes mission, core value, vision, value proposition, and brand internalization. “Brand identity” management orientation includes brand personality, brand DNA, brand story, brand identity system, and brand voice. “Brand experience” management orientation includes brand touchpoint, sensory experience, emotional experience, knowledge experience, and action experience. “Market performance” management orientation includes brand loyalty, brand reputation, brand awareness, brand market share, and brand satisfaction. “Competitive prospects” management orientation includes brand positioning, brand innovation, brand resource, brand assets, and brand globalization. Twenty-three of these are key indicators, and the other seven are flexible indicators. 2.Using the Delphi method, the results ranked in order of importance are cultural Appearance, value transfer, brand experience, brand identity, market performance, and competitive prospects. It shows that in the process of brand management, corporate organizations should first understand the core issues of their own culture and transmissions of value, which can then promote brand management performance and brand influence. “Missions” and “core values” are key indicators of the “cultural Appearance” management orientation, and making them priorities for improvement may be most effective. “Brand image” is a key indicator of the “transmissions of value” management orientation. It shows that an excellent product and perception of service are requisite to become customers’ “top of mind” brand. Besides attracting key customer groups, they can drive brand value and premium to maintain customer loyalty. Both “brand touchpoints” and “sensory experience” influence each other and are listed as key indicators of the “brand experience” management orientation. The D-R of “brand touchpoint’s” correlation degree is the maximum value, and the D+R value of importance is a positive value, showing that brand touchpoint is the most important key indicator. It shows that excellent products and services require exceptional channels and touchpoints to effectively drive reputation and exposure, and should be the focus in order to achieve higher performance ratings. “Brand DNA” is the core source of the “brand identity” management orientation. “Brand essence” is a prerequisite for brand promotion. Excellent products and services must come from a good brand essence to obtain widespread recognition and response from the market. “Brand reputation” is the key indicator of the “market performance” management orientation and should be the primary focus of improvement to gain the best market position. “Brand loyalty” also has the same impact as “brand reputation,” and small and medium enterprises should prioritize it in their decision-making process. “Brand positioning” is the most important key indicator of the “competitive prospects” management orientation as well as the chief key indicator of competitive advantage. Only with precise positioning can one successfully achieve the goals of brand development. 3.This study uses current brand management performance evaluation questionnaires, which are based on brand experts’ experience in consulting with small and medium enterprises in Taiwan, to construct a performance analysis chart and examine the actual state of brand management. Through the distribution of points, one can quickly grasp the state of brand health to form a clear and effective management decision-making path for overall improvement and optimization. Expert evaluation results found that most Taiwanese small and medium enterprises performed “average” in the analysis of brand management diagnostic indicators. Among the top ten key indicators, the six in which they performed well were brand image, brand loyalty, brand value, core value, brand DNA, and brand reputation. The four items that needed the most improvement were mission, brand personality, brand touchpoint, and top of mind brand. 4.The performance analysis IPA structure model is a method to improve the overall effectiveness of brand management. The indicators can be quantified and visually analyzed through graphs to gain insight into the brand’s past and present and display its brand competitiveness and health. This structured system of identifying, solving, and preventing problems can also serve as the basis for future improvement policies. For small and medium enterprises that lack brand management experience, calculation techniques can first estimate decision-making priorities, then they can make adjustments according to the causal relationships and actual conditions of correlation analysis to avoid the risks of brand management. It is a simple and convenient supplementary analysis tool in brand management. The evaluation method can also be assessed by comparing scores with peers or calculating the average value of internal and external performance results to produce a visual analysis chart, thereby helping companies make comprehensive brand management decisions and set the direction of future brand strategies for more successful market penetration.


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