  • 學位論文


Improving patient safety in medical institution by using analysis of ergonomic technology in Taiwan– To prevent falls, to enhance effective communications, and to encourage the participation of patient safety work

指導教授 : 呂志維


近年來台灣醫療相關體系及世界衛生組織越來越重視在病人安全之議題,在醫院裡有很多會因為人為疏失、政策不良或是設備不周而影響對醫療院所中的人事物出現危害,目前根據財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會(以下簡稱醫策會) 亦把病人安全列為醫院評鑑重點。本研究目的主旨為依據醫策會HQIC成果報告書中案例對策擬定之探討,使用人因工程檢核表對擬定策略評估,探討醫院管理應注重潛在人因因素,更有效及快速的針對任何病人安全目標做分析,並進一步控制類似事件發生,對未來新進醫護人員有一套完善的因應措施,醫院中發生疏失的因素相當多,常見的改善手法有教育訓練、改善環境和擬定系統機制等。研究流程可分為三個部分;第一部分依照人因工程查核表的領域及子項目,分類本研究病人安全目標案例且記錄每一項擬定策略。第二部分為將所記錄之擬定策略給予應用程度分數。第三部分為使用統計分析與柏拉圖分析,探討醫院對於改善策略中與人因工程的相關性,並假設人因工程建議提供參考。研究結果顯示,主要應用改善之人因工程領域為組織人因工程,分別有30次、31次、37次,而詳細領域子項目為工作組織最多次,分別為21次、29次、29次,醫院組織中是由許多不同部門組成而各別獨立運行之,但實際上卻是緊密相關聯繫著,因此藉由該人因工程檢核表對擬定策略有無人因領域相關性是非常重要的,醫療院所中的任何人都必須要盡心盡力去避免造成疏失,才能使病患及所有醫療院所人員有一個安心且舒適的環境。


In recent years, Taiwan's medical-related system and World Health Organization demands more attention to be focused on the issue of patient safety. Patient safety in today's society has been the focus of public concern, all people at the stage of illness and death in the hospital are in that stage because there are a lot of human error, bad policy or equipment. Currently, patient safety is a major area of accreditation evaluation according to the Taiwan Joint Commission of Hospital Accreditation (TJCHA). This study is based on several patient safety improvement articles from the HQIC outcome report. We evaluate the human factorial improvement methods using the Ergonomic Checklist, for the later formulations of more effective strategies targeting potential human error. The results shows that the most ergonomics methods are organization to prevent falls (30), to enhance effective communications (31), and to encourage the participation of patient safety (37). And, work organization is the most sub-topics to be used to prevent falls (21), to enhance effective communications (29), and to encourage the participation of patient safety (29). Hospitals have run by many independent departments but they have high relationships. Based on ergonomics checklist can let us understand the relationship between revising strategies and ergonomics knowledge. All people in healthcare have duty to prevent human errors and promote patient safety to generate a appropriate work environment for patients and labors in hospitals.


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