  • 學位論文


The Nursing Ministry in Taiwan ──A Study of "Nurses Evangelical Fellowship of Taiwan"(1982-2007)

指導教授 : 曾慶豹


護理是最長時間貼近扶持傷痛的病患,在醫療體系中影響醫院營運之興衰,這顯示護理是極其重要的一環。醫護減輕人的病痛,福音拯救人的靈魂,而護理福音事工則具備兩者之功能,值得重視與研究。 本研究為「台灣護理福音事工發展之探討,以台灣護理人員福音協會(1982-2007)為例」,作為研究的主要方向,研究目的為:探討台灣護理人員福音協會(簡稱「護福」)之發展與內涵,及其價值與影響。本文首先從護理的觀點,通過對文獻資料分析法及口述訪談法的整理、研究,探討護理關聯的歷史脈絡,與宣教士們透過教會醫療與護理,把西方現代醫護科學傳入中國與台灣的發展概況;特別將過去護理宣教歷史中,加拿大宣教師林保華與吳阿玉投入有影響力的生命事奉,但史料卻少,故將所尋得有限的文獻資料,外加相關的訪談等資料之整理分析後,佐以案例陳述。 其次本研究者由義工參與乃至全職牧養這25年間,對「護福」組織的建立過程及發展、成長,其中充滿神同在的「護福」事件,透過「護福」的檔案、照片、會議記錄等出版品及以《護福》期刊為主軸,進行資料的統整以內容分析法,將建立的「護福」事工的內涵與影響說明,獲得以下的結果:「護福」組織的發展、成長之內涵,並「護福」事工落實理論與實務的影響與傳承。冀望對「護理福音」的使命,能代代相傳,竭力實踐,以榮神益人。


Abstract Nursing plays a vital role in the whole medical system. Among all the medical personnel, nurses stay along side and care for the patients for the longest time. Their performances directly influence the effectiveness of the whole hospital. Doctors and Nurses help to alleviate patients’ pains and sufferings and the Gospel saves lost souls. Nursing ministry can fulfill the callings of both. Thus, it’s valuable to emphasize and study this subject. This study “The Nursing Ministry in Taiwan---A study of Nurses Evangelical Fellowship of Taiwan” (1982-2007) aims to investigate the development, core essence, value and influences of the Nurses Evangelical Fellowship in Taiwan ( NEFT). This study lays out the history context of nursing profession and history of how western medical and nursing sciences were brought into Mainland China and Taiwan through church medical and nursing ministries. Literature reviews and personal interviews are used as method in this study. Examples of two influential Canadian missionary nurses in mission history are described and discussed in this study, despite limited documentations on these two missionaries. All the materials and interview scripts are organized and listed in the study. The founding, development, and expansion of NEFT presented in this study are based on the materials including files, pictures, meetings records and magazines published by the NEFT. These materials, collected from volunteers, staff and ministers who have involved in NEFT for the past twenty-five years, explain the essence and influences of NEFT. This study concludes that with a healthy balance between theory and practice and spiritual grace, NEFT shall continue her development and is expected to continue the legacy of the Gospel-nursing integrated mission for generations to come, and to bring honor and glory to God!


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23. 《台灣教會公報》2009年1月12日〜2009年1月18日(2968期),http://www.pctpress.org/mission/william.html。
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