  • 學位論文


The Influences of Conspicuous Post on Social Comparison Envy, Brand Attitude, and Purchase Intention-An Example of Instagram

指導教授 : 高一誠


隨著網際網路的快速發展,社群媒體也隨之增加,例如Facebook、Instagram、Twitter等使用率日益增高,成為人們社交、分享生活與聯繫感情的重要管道之一。由於社群媒體具有雙向互動的特性,業者與行銷人員可以透過社群媒體進行產品營銷,並與消費者建立關係。因此在相互競爭激烈的網路平台上,如何善用社群媒體行銷吸引消費者的目光以及提升消費者對品牌的認知和購買意願,便成了各大業者的新課題。 本研究主要探討社群媒體使用者在面對炫耀性的文章時,是否會產生對炫耀不同的解讀,以及在不同的嫉妒情緒下,對品牌態度以及購買意願之影響。研究對象為有使用過Instagram平台的經驗者,採用網路問卷進行資料蒐集,期間共回收有效問卷226份。問卷主要內容分為炫耀性發文、嫉妒情緒、品牌態度、購買意願及基本資料五個部分,並以PLS-SEM軟體作為統計分析之工具。 研究結果顯示:(一)正向炫耀對善意嫉妒有正向顯著影響;(二)負向炫耀對惡意嫉妒有正向顯著影響;(三)善意嫉妒情緒對品牌態度有正向顯著影響; (四)惡意嫉妒情緒對品牌態度有負向顯著影響;(五)品牌態度對購買意願有正向顯著影響。透過本研究結果提出相對實務上之建議,業者可以善用社群媒體營造一種讓人羨慕嫉妒的氛圍,並針對目標受眾選擇符合該族群喜好的合作對象,藉此刺激消費者產生正向的情緒以達到行銷之目的。


With the rapid development of the Internet, social media, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, has become an important social network channel for socializing, sharing personal life and maintain connections with others. Businesses and marketers might conduct marketing and establish relationships with customers through social media with the distinctive feature of two-way interaction. Therefore, effective usage of social media marketing may not only help to attract attention and to promote the recognition of the brand but also motivate the purchase intention of customers. The main purpose of study is to explore the possible envy perceptions when social media users are surfing on conspicuous posts. In addition, this research examines the influences of conspicuous posts on benign envy, malicious envy, and brand attitude, as well as its effect on purchase intention. An online survey targeting on Instagram users was employed for data collection. A total of 226 valid questionnaires were obtained, and PLS-SEM soft-ware was used as a statistical analysis tool. The content of the questionnaire is divided into five parts including conspicuous post, envy, brand attitude, purchase intention and basic in-formation. The results of this study are as follows: (1) Positive conspicuous post has a significant positive impact on Instagram user’s benign envy. (2) Negative conspicuous post has a significant positive impact on Instagram user’s malicious envy. (3) Instagram user’s benign envy has a significant positive impact on brand attitude. (4) Instagram user’s malicious envy has a significant negative impact on brand attitude. (5) Brand attitude has a significant positive impact on purchase intention. Finally, according to the findings, this study provides several recommendations for practice implications and suggestions for future research.


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