  • 學位論文


A Headswap Application Based on Machine Learning for Early Childhood Intervention

指導教授 : 王佳盈




In early intervention, video demonstration teaching is a common teaching method to help children. Some papers have proposed that if the protagonist in the teaching video can be the child himself, the learning effect will be further improved. Such videos are called self-modeling videos. However, it is difficult for early childhood special education teachers to create a self-modeling video. This study proposes a method that can replace the protagonist in the teaching video with the head of the learner by using a small number of learners' photos. The proposed method uses a variety of pre-trained general machine learning models and some image processing methods to create a self-modeling video. This method replaces the entire head, not just the face, so the learner can identify themselves more easily and achieve the effect of self-modeling video. In the future, we hope to integrate other technologies and continue to provide services to help children with delayed physical and mental development.


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