  • 學位論文


Consumer Behavior Study in Refinishing Coating Product

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


臺灣約2千3百多萬人口,每4人即擁有一部自小客車,密度之高亦不難想像汽車相關產業之商機有多龐大,故導致原廠與民間汽車修護廠爭相分食這塊大餅。一般消費者,除了定期保養外,免不了遇上一些修繕的情況,還有重新烤漆的可能。過去塗料廠商的銷售往往侷限於B2B (Business To Business)模式,這不免讓人思考,若能將產品推廣至終端客戶即B2C (Business to Customer)模式,那對於廠商在市場佔有率與銷售額之提升,可能產生相當之助益。若廠商欲考慮將塗料銷售推廣至終端客戶,則對於消費者的關鍵購買因素,勢必要有更深入之瞭解。因此消費者偏好之產品屬性與產品組合,即為本研究欲探討的重點。 本研究將以聯合分析法為基礎,衡量汽車塗料之最高消費意願組合偏好和汽車塗料屬性的相對重要性,期望研究能將結果與實務相互結合,並提出若干建議予國內汽車塗料廠商,作為未來管理與行銷策略改進之參考。本研究採取兩階段問卷調查,並運用聯合分析法進行偏好結構的分析。首先使用第一階段問卷,挑選出相對重要之7項產品屬性,再透過第二階段問卷,計算出產品組合的成份效用值。最後依據偏好的不同,產生出兩個主要區隔,分別為「久耐候-中價格 導向群」與「高硬度-久耐候 導向群」。 經過實證分析,本研究針對不同區隔之新產品開發、消費通路、品牌策略與B2C (Business to Customer)模式發展共四部分,對國內汽車塗料廠商提出相關之建議。


In Taiwan, there are about 2.3 million people and 25% of them own at least a car in their family. It creates lots of commercial opportunities in the automotive industry and no matter OEM or body shop would like to seize this market. For general consumers, we usually spend most of money for cars on maintenance or accident. When accidents are happened we may need to fix or refinish our cars. In the past, most of the coatings companies would sell their products by B2B (Business To Business) model. We can’t help but think if they are selling coating products directly to the end customers by B2C (Business to Customer) model and it may be helpful in increasing not only market share but sales amount. Then if one day they want to sell their products to the end customers, what do they have to consider on marketing? We think the points will be key buying factors and consumer preferences with coating products and those are also the themes we want to explore of this study. Conjoint analysis is the method we used in this research. By finding out the best product portfolio and relative importance of each coating products’ attribute, we expect that we can offer some recommendations to the coatings companies as reference of management or marketing strategy of the future. We adopted two stages questionnaire as survey and analyze preference structure of consumers by conjoint analysis method. The first phase, we picked out the seven attributes of coating products. The second phase, we calculated the part-worth utilities of each product portfolio then segmented them into two groups by their utility score. The two benefit segmentation namely “long weather fastness & mid-price” orientated group and “high hardness & long weather fastness” orientated group. After researching and analyzing, we’ll offer some recommendations of marketing strategy on four sections for automobile refinishing coatings companies. The sections are including the development of new products for different segments, Channel, brand strategy and the development of B2C (Business to Customer) model.


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