  • 學位論文


Why fans like, message & share a fanpage - the study on message types,presention formats and post time

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


隨著科技的進步,現今社群網路的參與者正在不斷地增加,其中,又以Facebook的使用族群最為龐大。而Facebook的粉絲專頁不但讓其使用族群能在此空間中自由發揮,從企業的角度來看,它也為企業品牌提供了一個與客戶溝通的管道,並藉由其和粉絲的互動來調整商業流程、提高客戶忠誠度和增進與客戶的關係。由於此行銷途徑大多數的功能可以免費使用、成本較低,因此許多企業品牌開始以透過分析其粉絲專頁的大量使用者內容以及觀測其粉絲如何在粉絲專頁上進行按讚、留言、互動等方式來為企業品牌發掘新商機、開發利用其粉絲專頁訊息當中隱藏的龐大商業價值。本研究以糕點品牌Pinede(彼內朵)的粉絲專頁作為研究平台,將粉絲專頁內的貼文按研究設計進行分類,同時,將Facebook粉絲專頁使用者的互動行為(按讚、留言和分享)進行統計分析並藉其結果來觀察粉絲對各種貼文的反應以及探討粉絲專頁如何藉內容的調整來增加粉絲的互動行為。按本研究最終的分析,在訊息呈現方式方面其結果並不理想。在訊息分類方式方面,其結果發現抽獎文往往是粉絲專頁的龍頭,但由於成本考量不能量產,只能達到畫龍點睛的效果,因此選擇了次之的產品介紹文做為主要貼文。最後在發佈時間方面,其結果發現平日早上11點是目前分析出最好的訊息發佈時間。在未來的研究中,如粉絲性別、年齡等的種種因素也將一併列入討論的範圍,以便找出更佳的貼文因素。 關鍵字: 社群網站、訊息生動性、訊息類型、訊息發佈時間


Along with technological advances, the number of users on social media websites is increasing day by day, and Facebook has the largest number of users among these social media websites. Facebook’s fan-pages not only offer users a platform to freely create content, and, from the perspective of commercial businesses, they also offer communication channels between corporations and customers. In addition, through their interactions with their fans, corporations could thereby adjust their business operational models, increase customers’ loyalty, and strengthen the relationship between corporations and customers. Since most functions of this type of marketing strategies are free of charge, through analyzing the large amount of users on their fan-pages and observing how they “like” posts, leave comments, share posts, and interact online, many corporations began to explore new business opportunities and utilize the enormous hidden value behind the information on their fan-pages. This study uses Taiwan’s Pinede Pastry Company as a subject, and, based on its the research design, categorizes and codes all the information/messages registered/posted on Pinede’s fan-page. In addition, by observing its fans’ reactions to various posts, this study statistically analyzes Pinede fan-page users’ interactive behaviors (i.e. clicking “like,” leaving comments, and sharing posts). It also investigates the ways it may increase fans' interactive behaviors by adjusting the contents on Penede’s fan-page. The outcome of this study shows that there is no statistical significance in its analysis of Pinede’s fan-page posts’ presentation format. After analyzing various types/categories of posts on Pinede’s fan-page, the analysis shows that posts related to lottery prizes witness the most interactive behaviors from the fan-page users. However, due to the high costs associated with conducting lottery prizes, it will not be cost-effective for Pinede to rely heavily on offering lottery prizes to its fans; instead, Pinede chose to rely more on its second-best interactive behaviors-inducing posts which are posts related to product introduction/promotion. Finally, with respect to the information posting time, the analysis shows that the most effective posting time is eleven (11) A.M. on weekdays. In future researches, other factors (such as fans’ sex and age) may be incorporated into the analysis so that factors related to fans’ interactive behaviors can be understood more comprehensively.


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