  • 學位論文


Wind-Induced Vibration of High-Rise Buildings with Soil-Structure Interaction and TMD

指導教授 : 劉明怡


高樓結構物,有別於傳統的鋼筋混凝土建築,具有質量輕、高寬比大、自然頻率低與阻尼低之特性。由於這些風敏感特性,使得風力成為地震力之外,在進行結構設計時所必需考慮的重要因素,特別是對位於西太平洋颱風區,風害頻繁的台灣。 本研究探討考慮土壤結構互制效應之高樓結構物風振行為,首先,建立結構系統,推導考慮土壤結構互制效應並裝設調諧質量阻尼器的高層建築之運動方程式;接著,建立風力模式;最後,利用頻率域分析,在各種風攻角的條件下,計算彈性中心偏移之高層建築受風力作用的加速度反應值、探討不同性質的地基土壤對結構振動之影響,並評估調諧質量阻尼器的抗風效能。 結果顯示高層建築、基礎與調諧質量阻尼器於系統各個振態的廣義質量分佈值可量化單一構件對於特定方向之振動形態貢獻程度,可作為量化各個振態耦合程度之指標。此外,當土層十分堅硬時,可忽略土壤結構互制效應,而將基礎視為固定邊界進行結構分析,此時,調諧質量阻尼器具有較優異之振動控制效用;當土層並非十分堅硬時,若忽略土壤結構互制效應,則將高估調諧質量阻尼器的抗風效能而造成不安全之情形。


In recent years, high-strength, light-weight materials have been widely used in the construction of high-rise buildings. Such structures generally have flexible, low-damping characteristics. Consequently, wind-induced vibration greatly affects the structural safety and the comfort of the building’s occupants. The objective of this research is to conduct the analysis of wind-induced vibration of high-rise buildings with tuned mass dampers considering soil-structure interaction. The structural system is developed by deriving the equations of motion. Based on the wind load model, the wind-induced acceleration of structures with eccentricity between the mass and elastic centers for a variety of attack angles can be calculated using the frequency domain analysis, which can be used to study the influence of soil-structure interaction as well as to assess the effectiveness of tuned mass dampers. The results indicate that the distribution of the generalized masses among the building, foundation and tuned mass damper are useful indices for quantitatively assessing the degree of coupling for each mode. Furthermore, the structural acceleration as well as the effectiveness of tuned mass dampers will be overestimated if the soil-structure interaction is neglected, indicating that tuned mass dampers are more effective for the higher soil stiffness.


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