  • 學位論文


Designing Blockchain-based Supply Chain Systems

指導教授 : 孫天佑


近年產品生命週期降低,供應鏈管理與資料回溯的問題層出不窮,各家廠商對於 訂單或是產品資訊因使用的ERP 系統或是其他管理工具不一,導致在管理上發生資訊 不對等的狀況。本文將利用區塊鏈技術建立供應鏈組織的整合平台,藉由區塊鏈的共 識機制驗證資料的正確性,取代傳統的中心化管理模式。希望以此平台的概念延伸至 其他產業,增加區塊鏈應用的擴展性與資料共享的便利性。 本文第二章至第四章將介紹平台所使用到的技術與相關理論。第二章為區塊鏈的 基礎概念與市面上兩大加密貨幣的簡介,以及目前大部分區塊鏈應用所使用到的共識 演算法的運作方式。第三章為本次實作所使用的區塊鏈平台「以太坊」的觀念與相關 功能的介紹,包含礦工費的計算和以太坊的核心功能「智能合約」,最後則是Google Chrome 瀏覽器的外掛套件MetaMask 的簡介。第四章為本文所使用的供應鏈理論介紹, 除了供應鏈本身如何組織而成外,另外也針對供應鏈各層面的管理流程與方法進行說 明。第五章將對本次實作平台與概念進行完整的解釋,從平台的程式架構與操作流程 的介紹,並說明實作所使用的工具與框架、智能合約演算法以及平台與以太坊節點的 串接方法等。最後則是平台的實際操作畫面演示,將由完整的情境模擬合約與訂單如 何藉由平台進行發布或是狀態更改。 最後則針對本次實作需要調整的地方進行說明,包含平台的使用情境與功能是否 充足,以及探討未來將如何利用本次研究結果拓展區塊鏈的應用。


In recent years, the life spans of many products are shortening. Many problems that occurred are related to supply chain management and data backtracking. Many companies are encountering problems on orders and data inconsistency which are largely due to the ERP systems or management tools they used. In this thesis, we will utilize the blockchain technology to build a supply chain platform, hoping to ensure data accuracy through the use of blockchain’s consensus protocol and to replace the traditional centralized data management model. We hope we can extend the idea of the current platform to other industries, so as to improving the expandability of blockchain applications and the convenience of data sharing. In Chapter 2 to 4 of this thesis, we will introduce the technologies and theories that our platform is based on. Chapter 2 focuses on the basic concept of blockchain and we introduce two of the major cryptocurrencies on the market. The consensus protocols used by most blockchain applications and their mode of operation are also mentioned. In Chapter 3, we will explain the basic concept and functionalities of Ethereum. Topics covered include the calculation of the gas fee and the smart contract. Our platform will use Ethereum as its base. At the end of the chapter, we will also talk on a Chrome extension called MetaMask. In Chapter 4, we will provide an introduction to the supply chain, covering from the organization of a supply chain to the workflow management of each role in a supply chain. Then in Chapter 5, we will explain the basic design of our platform, platform program structure, and operation workflow. Detail discussions on the tools and frameworks used, smart contract algorithm, and how to connect to Ethereum nodes are given. In the end, there are screenshots of how the platform operates, simulating the whole supply chain process from signing contracts and orders, to keeping track of the status of each role of the supply chain. In the final chapter, we discuss items that we can consider in future versions. The discussion includes whether the scenario that platform considered at present and its functionalities are sufficiently or not. Thoughts on how to extend the present work in the near future are also touched upon.


[1] 從分散式一致性演算法到區塊鏈共識機制
[2] 企業該選擇哪種鏈? —— 公有鏈 vs. 私有鏈 vs. 聯盟鏈
