  • 學位論文


Research and Application in Intelligent Street Lighting by Using Technology of IOT

指導教授 : 吳章銘


路燈的運作皆為人們道路照明需求,傍晚時開啟,清晨時關閉,然而根據人的所在位置及時間,並不是每個街區或道路的路燈都需要維持長時間的開啟,某些時段某些街道並不需要照明需求,使用傳統的照明方式將造成電力能源的巨大浪費。 本論文提出一智慧路燈系統,在需要的時候開啟路燈,在不需要的時候關閉。每當智慧路燈偵測到行人及車輛經過及行進方向,將自動開啟必須要的路燈,並於行人及車輛離去時自動關閉;同時經由遍佈城市內的各路燈,可即時監控城市內各不同街區的環境資訊。本論文提出的智慧路燈架構可分為設備端、伺服器端以及監控端,設備端設計六個感測功能,包含行人及車輛感測、路燈運作感測、溫溼度變化感測、雨滴感測、空氣品質感測以及噪音感測,透過無線區域網路上傳路燈運作資訊以及環境感測資訊至伺服器端;監控端依伺服器的資訊透過網頁進行動態監控與顯示,顯示包含儀表、線性折線圖、圖片變化以及地圖。 智慧路燈系統不僅能夠感測儲存城市環境資訊,還能具備城市的監控功能,具備良好的擴充性,往後,若有新的感測元件加入系統中,亦可容易整合,可提高公共區域的安全、節省能源以及環境資料的統計,漸漸實現智慧城市所需的基本硬體及資訊。


物聯網 路燈 感測器


Street lights provide the lighting for people. The street lights are opened in the evening, and closed in the morning. According to the location and time of the person, we find that street lights need not to maintain in a long time to open. It will cause a huge waste of electricity. In our thesis, we established a smart street light system. The main aim of the smart street light systems is automatic to turn on and off depending on the light. The smart street light system also can detect pedestrians and vehicles approaching, they will automatically turn on, and turn off when leaving. The system can also provide the information of the monitor due to the wide distribution. The street light architecture is divided into three parts: the device, the server, and the client. The services of the device include the temperature and humidity detection, the rainfall detection, the noise detection, the air quality detection, the brightness detection. The server will provide the hardware to store the data and execute the programs. The client analyzes the collected information of the database to display a dynamic graphical webpage on the website. In our built smart street lighting system, we can monitor and gather the data of detections. It also has the expansible characteristics. If we have any new sensors in the future, we can combine easily into this system. Our system can be a basic structure to build the simulated smart city.


Internet of Things Street Lights Sensors


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