  • 學位論文


The Study of Constructing the Assessment Indicators of Country-specific Mandarin Materials—Basing on the Experience of Textbook Writing for Indonesian Students

指導教授 : 熊玉雯


1998年印尼解除中文禁令以後,中文教學開始在印尼當地蓬勃發展,然而目前印尼使用教材大部分是中國教材,其次是印尼本土的教材,第三是新加坡國人使用的華語教材,幾乎未使用針對印尼國別化華語教材,原因是因為印尼國別化教材短缺,且沒有一套適合印尼當地使用的教材。在這樣的背景之下,2014年印尼一所學校與中原大學合作,希望能研製一套針對此校量身訂做一套適合的華語教材,研究者有幸成為學校編輯團隊一員。 因此本研究希望透過參與印尼教材編輯及當地參訪之經驗,設計出一份國別化教材評估指標,供未來編寫或挑選國別化教材之老師和學者提供參考。本研究設計評估指標時採用問卷調查法及德懷術研究方法,共進行三次問卷調查,透過華語領域的專家針對評估指標給予分析和建議,重複修改評估指標至專家達成共識,產生最終國別化華語教材評估指標。 研究結果發現,一般華語教材和國別化華語教材的評估指標基本相同,只是國別化教材更強調針對性,但是針對性並非要使教材的詞彙、語法、文化等內容當地化,而是以讓學習者學習目標語和其文化為目標,在理解當地的學習方式、學習難點以後,用當地國家學習者所理解的方式,以編寫適合的教材。 本研究由於以印尼地區為研究之背景,尚有未盡之處,每個國家有其不同之需求與特色,期未來在不同國家任教之華語教師,能提供不同國別的針對性,以供未來教師、學者或教材編輯參考。


國別化 印尼 評估指標 教材設計 文化


In 1988, Indonesian government lifted the Chinese ban, Chinese teaching starts vigorous development. However, now most Chinese textbooks used in Indonesia are from China. The second most used Chinese textbooks are from Indonesia. The third most used Chinese textbooks are for Singaporean. In Indonesia, country-specific Mandarin materials are rarely used, because there is a shortage of Indonesia-specific Mandarin materials. Besides, there’s no suitable Indonesia-specific Mandarin materials. Under this background, a school in Indonesia wants to cooperate with Chung Yuan Christian University to customize a Chinese textbook for the school. Therefore, through the researcher’s experience of Indonesian-specific Chinese textbook and Indonesia visit, the goal of this study is to construct assessment indicators of country-specific Mandarin materials, for those people who needs to choose or compile country-specific Chinse textbooks. The study adopted survey techniques and Delphi technique while constructing the assessment indicators. The study did three questionnaire surveys, every time the researcher would consult the experts and experienced teachers’ analysis and advice to revise and delete the indicators until the experts reached consensus. According to the result, the assessment indicators of general Chinese textbooks and country-specific Chinese textbooks are basically the same. The difference is country-specific Chinese textbooks emphasize the target, about how to make the textbooks close to a certain country’s learners. But it is not to make words, grammars, and cultures localized. On the contrary, country-specific Chinese textbooks maintain the same goal, learning the target language and its culture, as general Chinese textbooks. After understanding the learners’ learning style, difficulties and so on, take it for reference to edit the textbooks. The study is still insufficient because every country has its characteristics and acquirement, but because of the limitation of time, the researchers only takes Indonesia for example. Hope in the future there are the teachers in different countries can provide the information different country-specific Chinese textbooks need for experts’ and teachers’ reference.


王文科、王智弘(2014)。教育研究法。臺北市: 五南出版社。
王帥臣(2009,12月)。「國別化」漢語教材環境因素試析。載於廈門大學漢語國際推廣南方基地和海外教育學院舉辦之「2009年漢語國別化教材」國際學術研討會論文集 (頁 210-217),廈門市。
