  • 學位論文


A Study of Factors Affecting the Effective Promotion of Medical Supply Company’s Reward System -A Case Study of TBMS Group Companies

指導教授 : 劉立倫


自1995年全民健保實施後,健保制度支撐著整體醫療資源的需求量,使得台灣醫療產業正面臨醫療支出與醫療品質拉鋸的關鍵點。不管是國內醫療製商或是國際大廠正面臨研發、人事、管理費用等成本高漲、健保價格影響毛利,因此國內醫療製商紛紛至海外設廠,以降低人事、研發成本。而國際大廠則在醫療價格壓力之下,分別以投資、合作或購併等方式積極整合產品線或尋找互補產品廠商,以達產品的完整性,獲取更大市場競爭力。因此,國內經銷商、代理商,因受國際大廠的併購,需承受代理權變之風險,不斷地尋找新產品,以避免在市場中被淘汰之命運,但因此也增加了投資成本、專業人才不易培訓、人員不穩定種種問題。   企業實施獎酬制度的良窳,對員工工作績效、工作滿意度、組織文化與組織績效皆具有極大之影響。本研究主要目的藉由相關文獻蒐整與探討,建構影響醫療代理商獎酬制度有效推動之因素之層級架構,包含「制度環境與代理商品」、「與企業文化連接程度」、「績效評估指標」及「獎酬制度落實的程度」四大構面、十六項評估準則,並由醫療產業領域具有醫療專業背景之專家學者,採模糊層級分析法(FAHP),分別計算出各項指標之權重值及層級串聯後之相對權重與整體排序,以提供醫療產業領域相關決策者,作為發展及推動台灣醫療產業之參考。


Since the implementation of the National Health Insurance in 1995, the health care system has supported the demand for medical resources as a whole.   The industry is facing medical expenses and medical quality of the key point of see-saw. Whether the domestic medical system manufacturers or international manufacturers are facing R & D, personnel, management costs and other costs, health insurance prices affect gross profit, so the domestic medical system manufacturers have set up factories overseas to reduce personnel, research and development costs. The international manufacturers are under the pressure of medical prices, respectively, investment, cooperation or mergers and acquisitions, etc. to actively integrate the product line or looking for complementary product manufacturers to achieve the integrity of the product, access to greater market competitiveness. Therefore, the domestic distributors and agents, due to international mergers and acquisitions, need to bear the risk of agency contingency, constantly looking for new products to avoid the fate of being eliminated in the market, but also increased the cost of investment, professionals not easy to train, personnel instability problems.   There are four dimensions of construction represented in this study which include the "institutional environment and agent products", "the degree of connection with the corporate culture", "performance evaluation indicators" and "the degree of implementation of the reward system". This study also represents sixteen assessment standards. The indicators were calculated by the specialists and researchers who have expertise in the field of in Taiwan. They applied FAHP approach to separately calculate the weight value of every indicators and the relative weight and overall ranking after the level of series. We hope to provide this study as a reference to the relevant decision-makers in order to develop and to advance medical industry in Taiwan.


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