  • 學位論文


A C/C++ Online Programming Platform with Coding Style Check

指導教授 : 王佳盈


在程式課程的教學當中,我們發現除了教授學生基本的程式語法和解 決問題的技巧之外,教導學生具有良好的程式碼編寫風格也很重要。許多學 生在編寫程式碼時沒有養成良好的習慣,當他們遇到問題並尋求他人的幫 助時,由於程式碼的格式難以閱讀和理解,使得解決問題變得更加困難和耗 時。 為了減少這種情況的發生,我們嘗試開發一個線上解題平台作為課程 輔助工具,當學生使用該平台解決問題時,系統不僅會檢查程式碼的正確 性,還會檢查程式碼的格式並向學生提供建議和回饋。我們希望透過這個系 統,可以幫助學生在學習程式語法和解決問題的時候,也可以同時培養良好 的程式碼編寫風格習慣。 這個系統還具有帳戶、課程和問題管理功能,目前主要基於 C/C++程式 語言。未來我們希望增加對其他程式語言的支持,並進一步改進這個系統, 使其成為教授程式課程時有用的工具。


When teaching a programming course, we found that in addition to teaching students the basic programming language syntax and problem- solving skills, it’s also important to teach students to have a good code-writing style. Many students do not develop good habits when writing code. When they encounter problems and seek help from others, the code format is hard to read and understand, making it more difficult and time consuming to solve the problem. To improve this situation, we attempt to develop an online problem- solving platform as a course aid tool. When a student uses the platform to solve a problem, the system will not only check the correctness of the code, but also checks format of the code and provides advice and feedback to the student. We hope that while teaching students the programming skills, we can also help students develop a good code writing style. Currently the system also provides account, course and problem management features and is primarily based on the C/C++ programming languages. In the future, we hope to add support of other programming languages and further improve the system to make it a useful tool for a programming course.


[1] 謝育平、白玉華、程建銘、洪義翔、劉柏成、李柏學(2011),瘋狂程
設:C++上機課程自動閱卷, 銘傳大學2011國際學術研討會.
[2] LeetCode- The World's Leading Online Programming Learning Platform.
[Online]. Available: https://leetcode.com/
[3] DMOJ: Modern Online Judge. [Online]. Available: https://dmoj.ca/
