  • 學位論文


The effect of Rumination and social reactions on Posttraumatic Growth among Taiwanese Women of Intimate Partner Violence

指導教授 : 洪福建


本研究使用Calhoun、Cann與Tedeschi(2010)修訂版創傷後成長理論模式,探討 台灣女性遭遇親密關係暴力後,認知歷程運作及社會文化對創傷後成長的影響。 研究方法:本研究為橫斷式研究,研究對象為70名向社會局或機構等求助之18至65歲受暴女性,使用自陳式量表蒐集資料。研究工具共七部分,包括基本資料表、親密關係暴力量表、社會反應量表(Social Reactions Questionnaire, SRQ)、事件相關反芻量表(Event-Related Rumination Inventory, ERRI)、DSM-5創傷後壓力診斷量表(DSM-5 Posttraumatic Diagnostic, PDS-5)、憂鬱焦慮評估量表(Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, DASS)、創傷後成長量表(Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, PTGI)。 研究結果:(一)侵入反芻與刻意反芻是親密關係暴力與創傷後成長的序列中介變項。(二)正向社會反應不中介侵入反芻與刻意反芻兩者的關係,但負向社會反應的責怪與分心向度則有部分中介效果。 結論:受暴女性需透過完整認知歷程,包含侵入反芻與刻意反芻才有創傷後成長表現,他人正向或負向回應,不太影響受暴女性的看法。


Background and purpose: Past research in the field of trauma, focusing on the negative effects of intimate partner violence(IPV)(Cobb Tedeschi, 2006; Wang Jue Ling, 2009; Nathanson et al., 2012; Arandia, Mordeno Nalipay, 2018). Over 30 years, the positive impact of intimate partner violence(IPV)has been discussed in different perspectives such as reactions, regulation, resilience, post-traumatic growth, etc. Tedeschi and Calhoun(1995)proposed the theoretical model of post-traumatic growth, after the traumatic event, individual would experience the cognitive process influenced by social culture(Calhoun, Cann Tedeschi, 2010), and then enter the post-traumatic growth. The effect of Rumination and social reactions on Posttraumatic Growth among Taiwanese Women of Intimate Partner Violence based on the theoretical models of Calhoun, Cann, and Tedeschi(2010). Method:This study is a cross-sectional study, which dataset includes 1.Seventy female individuals with a variable age18-65 years old composition provided by local TW social institutions.For data collection procedure, there were seven self-reported scale, included personal information, intimate relationship violence scale, social reaction scale(Social Reactions Inventory), event-related rumination scale(Event-Related Rumination Inventory), post-traumatic stress diagnostic scale(Posttraumatic Diagnostic, PDS), Depression Anxiety Stress Scale(DASS), and Posttraumatic Growth Inventory(PTGI). Results:(1)Intrusive rumination and deliberate rumination are sequence intermediary variables of intimate relationship violence and post-traumatic growth relationship.(2)Social reactions do not mediate the relation between intrusive rumination and deliberate rumination. Conclusion:The female victims of intimate partner violence(IPV)often need to go through a complete cognitive process.First, intrusive rumination and deliberate rumination, then to posttraumatic growth. Both positive and negative reactions of others do not strongly affect the cognitive process of female victims.


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