  • 學位論文


Research on Professional Ability and Implementation of Adapted Physical Education for Special Education Teachers in Junior High Schools

指導教授 : 趙本強


本研究旨在了解國中特教教師的適應體育專業能力及教學實施現況,並在適應體育專業能力與適應體育教學實施現況上,分析特教教師背景變項的差異,最後探討適應體育專業能力與教學實施現況之間的相關情形。 本研究以全國國中特教教師為研究對象,採用問卷調查法,共發出問卷208份,共回收有效問卷205份。問卷資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析與Pearson 積差相關等統計方式進行分析,其獲致研究結果如下: 一、 國中特教教師在整體適應體育專業能力表現為中等程度,以「專業知識」表現最佳,其次依序為「專業態度」、「專業技能」與「專業成長」。 二、 國中特教教師在整體適應體育教學實施現況為中上程度,以「教學準備」表現最佳,其次依序為「教學評量」、「教學執行與調整」與「教學支援」。 三、 不同性別、教育背景、研習進修與任教地區之特教教師在整體適應體育專業能力上達顯著差異,而教學年資在整體適應體育專業能力上則無顯著差異。 四、 不同性別、教育背景、教學年資、研習進修與任教地區之特教教師在整體適應體育教學實施現況上皆達顯著差異。 五、 國中特教教師其適應體育專業能力與教學實施現況有顯著正相關。 本研究依據研究結果,提出具體建議予相關教育行政機構、教育工作者及後續研究者之參考。


The purposes of the study are: (1) to explore the current status of professional ability and implementation of adapted physical education for special education teachers in junior high schools; (2) to analyze the effects of special education teachers’ backgrounds on the professional ability and implementation of adapted physical education; (3) to investigate the relationship between professional ability and implementation of adapted physical education. In the study, 208 special education teachers in junior high schools from Taiwan were selected as the reaserch participants. The research adopted questionnaire survey techniques. Among the total 208 questionnaires, 205 copies were valid. The collected data were analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, independent sample t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The study results are as followed: 1. Special education teachers exhibited intermediate performance on professional ability of adapted physical education. The performance of “professional knowledge” is the highest among all the qualities. 2. Special education teachers exhibited high-intermediate performance on the implementation of adapted physical education. The performance of “teaching preparation” is the highest among all the qualities. 3. Between different genders, education backgrounds, study training experiences, and teaching areas of special education teachers, respectively, there are significant differences on the professional ability of adapted physical education. However, there are no significant differences on the professional ability of adapted physical education between different teaching seniority of special education teachers. 4. Between different genders, education backgrounds, teaching seniority, study training experiences, teaching areas of special education teachers, respectively, there are all significant differences on the implementation of adapted physical education. 5. Special education teachers’ professional ability and implementation of adapted physical education are significantly positively correlated. Based on the findings of this study, suggestions are made for special education teachers in junior high schools and educational administrations, and ideas are proposed for future researches.


