  • 學位論文


Using SROI to evaluate the effectiveness of solidarity economy on the CSA of indigenous community - A case study of ATAYAL Jian-Shi Agriculture Supported by the USR program from National Taipei University of Technology

指導教授 : 黃儀婷


教育部自2017年推動大學社會責任實踐(University Social Responsibility, USR)計畫,各大專院校迄今執行逾四年,亦來到評估計畫成效的時間點。過去政府計畫的效益呈現往往聚焦於關鍵績效指標(KPI),卻忽略利害關係人的實質改變;若以社會投資報酬(Social Return on Investment, SROI)作為計畫的評估工具,則可藉此找出計畫對利害關係人的改變和社會價值評估。本研究試圖將SROI方法學發展為研究架構,並依此衡量臺北科大USR「原住民部落綠色樂業子計畫」與發展品牌「石磊友善蔬菜」的社會影響力。研究採取參與式觀察法,將此專案利害關係人分為大學端、部落端、都市端三類別,從中挑選25位受訪者進行議合,再依據紮根理論將訪談內容進行編碼,得出改變成果為:大學端9項、部落端10項、都市端5項,其中各類別發生程度最高的成果分別為:「提升跨族群與原民族群文化認同」、「提升農務和農產銷售工作熱忱與積極度」,以及「獲得與生產者及食物的情感連結」。最後藉由線上問卷回收的量化數據轉換為現值,計算出此專案的社會投資報酬率為1.31;其中又以參與活動族人總影響價值比例最高,故佐證計畫投入有效回饋於場域目標群體。由質性內容則歸納出:此專案有效促進大學端與部落端,以及部落端本身的團結。本研究所建構出之社會影響力計算資料留存機制與團結模式,提供臺北科大USR計畫團隊未來持續追蹤計畫效益的基準點,亦能夠貢獻予其它USR執行學校作為評估社會價值的參考範本。


Ministry of Education has been promoting University Social Responsibility (USR) since 2017 and after 4 years it is now the time to evaluate the effectiveness of the project. In the past, the assessment is measured by Key Performance Indicators (KPI) without taking stakeholders into consideration. However, if we assess by applying Social Return on Investment (SROI), this can be improved. The study is framed by SROI for structure to evaluate the social impact of the USR sub-project and “ATAYAL Jian-Shi Agriculture” launched by National Taipei University of Technology. Participant observation is applied to categorize stakeholders by university, tribe and city. 25 participants are selected for interview and encode the content with grounded theory. University contains 9 outcomes, tribe contains 10 outcomes, and city contains 5 outcomes. Among them, “Increased recognition of cross-ethnic and the indigenous culture”, “Increased proactivity and passion for farming and agriculture business” and “Bond between producer and food” are the top 3 items that are with the most changes. The effectiveness of the project is turned into monetary value by quantifying online surveys. The SROI of the project is 1.31. The involving tribe residents present the highest value among all so it is evident that the project can effectively contribute back to the target group. By qualitative content we can infer the project well facilitate the unity among university, tribe and tribe itself. The model structured for assessing social impact and effectiveness of Solidarity economy in the study is provided for USR team of National Taipei University of Technology for further tracking. The study can also be a template for other universities conducting similar USR projects.


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