  • 學位論文

Anammox 顆粒污泥氮去除率比較與快速啟動條件之模擬

Comparison of Anammox granule and sludge nitrogen removal efficiency and simulation of fast start-up conditions

指導教授 : 黃郁慈


摘要 厭氧氨氧化 (anaerobic ammonium oxidation, Anammox) 是近幾年開發的氨氮廢水處理技術,不需額外曝氣及添加碳源,且具有比傳統硝化脫硝程序更高的效率,但是該項技術所需調控參數眾多以至於依賴此技術的Anammox反應器之運作及啟動難度較高,故本實驗針對亞硝酸鹽氮 (nitrite nitrogen, NO2--N) 起始濃度、溶氧量 (dissolved oxygen, DO) 以及Anammox顆粒與污泥的比例三項參數進行反應器條件模擬,並針對不同條件下Anammox氮去除率 (nitrogen removal rate, NRR) 進行分析以尋找出最適用於反應器啟動及運作之條件。 本實驗所調控之三項參數中,以活性污泥的Anammox系統之菌相結構為反應槽快速啟動的關鍵,故本實驗將Anammox活性污泥分為四種顆粒污泥比例,分別為100%、50%、33%及0%。溶氧程度不同則會直接影響系統共生好氧菌活性,故本實驗營造厭氧及缺氧兩種不同環境,以比較DO對系統NRR影響。亞硝酸鹽 (nitrite, NO2-) 為Anammox主要的電子受體,是維持系統高NRR的關鍵參數,所以本實驗透過比較0、80及250 ppm三種NO2--N起始濃度以尋找Anammox系統的最佳啟動條件。並透過即時聚合酶連鎖反應 (real-time polymerase chain reaction, qPCR) 進行Anammox 16S rRNA、AOB amoA及總菌數16S rRNA相對定量分析,以探討污泥中菌相比例。 透過水質分析發現在缺氧環境下,四種類顆粒污泥比的NRR皆高於厭氧環境,最多可高出13 ± 9.3%。根據相對定量結果AOB amoA在污泥中表達量最高,該基因主要用於推估好氧氨氧化菌 (ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, AOB) 代謝活性,故AOB amoA表達量較高會是缺氧環境具有較高NRR的原因。在NO2--N起始濃度為250 ppm的條件下,顆粒污泥比例為100%時有最高的NRR,但該條件於實際應用方面會有困難。因此選擇顆粒污泥比例33%且NO2--N起始濃度80 ppm作為建議反應條件。此條件下,系統具有高NRR的同時還能減少硝酸鹽氮 (nitrate nitrogen, NO3--N) 的累積。 根據上述,建議在缺氧的環境下,起始NO2--N濃度為80 ppm且顆粒污泥比例為33%之參數,為最適合應用於Anammox反應器啟動以及運作的條件。


Abstract Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) is a new technique for ammonia nitrogen wastewater treatment. Anammox process has lot of advantages, including high efficiency, energy-saving and low cost. However, it’s hard to start-up and operate the Anammox reactor because the microorganism in the system is sensitive to environmental conditions. This research would analyze nitrogen removal rate (NRR) basis on the nitrite nitrogen (NO2--N) starting concentration, dissolved oxygen (DO), and the Anammox granule to sludge ratio, and find recommend conditions to reactor start-up and operation. This study sets Anammox granule to sludge ratio into 100%, 50%, 33% and 0% because the microbial community of activated sludge is crucial to rapid start-up of the reactor. DO would affect the bioactivity of aerobic bacteria which mutualism with Anammox, so this study would compare the system efficacy in anaerobic and anoxic environments. Nitrite (NO2-) is the main electron acceptor for Anammox, so the experiment tests the NRR through initial NO2--N concentrations of 0, 80 and 250 ppm. The 16S rRNA of Anammox and total bacteria, and amoA of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) were quantified by real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for the microbial community. The NRR of anoxic environment was 13 ± 9.3%, which is higher than anaerobic environment in four sludge ratios. Since amoA is major biomarker to estimate the AOB bioactivity, amoA showed higher level of expression in sludge, which might be the reason of greater NRR in anoxic environment. The best NRR was at the condition of 100% granule to sludge ratio and initial NO2--N concentration of 250 ppm. Considering the application of Anammox start-up, condition of the granule to sludge ratio of 33%, initial NO2--N concentration of 80 ppm, and anoxic environment is suggested based on the results of this study. This condition has a high NRR while reducing the accumulation of nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N).


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