  • 學位論文


Investigation of Staff's Perception and Execution of Self-Determination in Institutions for People with Disabilities

指導教授 : 趙本強


本研究旨在了解台灣身心障礙全日型住宿機構中,服務中重度以上身心障礙者之教保人員,對自我決策的認知與實踐情形,進而分析影響自我決策認知與實踐之相關因素。研究者是以全台灣身心障礙全日型住宿機構中,服務障礙者之教保人員為研究對象,採立意取樣的方式,選取一百七十名為研究樣本進行調查,研究工具為自編問卷。所獲得的資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析及多元迴歸統計方法進行分析。依據資料分析結果,本研究得到以下結論: 一、 機構教保人員是否具備自我決策的概念 機構教保人員對自我決策的認知屬於部分了解階段,為中上程度了解,其中以心理賦權認知最為深切,其次為自我管理;自我決策的獨立自主相對較弱。 二、 機構教保人員是否提供機會與方法讓障礙者學習自我決策 教保人員對自我決策的實踐亦屬於部分了解階段,其中仍為心理賦權實踐最為落實,其次為獨立自主,而自我管理的實踐相對較為缺乏。教保人員在自我決策的服務中覺得最常發生的困難是障礙者情緒無法配合,其次為服務人員不足,第三是障礙者能力不足。 三、 機構教保人員背景的不同是否影響自我決策的認知與實踐 在教保人員的職務、專業背景與地區對自我決策的認知呈現顯著差異,而職務與相關工作年資背景對自我決策的實踐呈現顯著差異。職務與專業背景對自我決策的認知有相關,職務與相關身障機構年資對自我決策的實踐有相關。


The purpose of this research is to understand the awareness and practice of self-determination among education and health care workers who serve persons with moderate or severe disabilities in Taiwan's full-time residential institutions with disabilities, and to analyze the relevant factors that affect their cognition and practice of self-determination. The researcher used the education and protection staff of the disabled full-time residential institutions in Taiwan as the research objects. Using the method of intentional sampling, 170 research samples were selected for investigation, and the research tool was a self-made questionnaire. The data obtained are analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, One-Way ANOVA, and Multiple Regression statistics. Based on the results of data analysis, this study has the following conclusions: 1. Do the education and protection staff of the institution have the concept of self-determination? The cognition of the educational and protection staff of institutions on self-determination belongs to the stage of part-understanding, which belongs to the middle-to-high level of understanding. The deepest cognition of psychological empowerment, self-regulation is secondly, self-determination independence is relatively weak. 2. Do the education and protection staff of the institution provide opportunities and methods for people with disabilities to learn self-determination? The practice of education and protection staff on self-determination also is stage of part-understanding. The practice of psychological empowerment is the most implemented, independence is secondly, and the practice of self-regulation is relatively lacking. In the service of self-determination, the education and protection staff thought that the most common difficulty that occurs is the emotional inability of the disabled to cooperate, the second is the lack of service personnel, and the third is the lack of ability of the disabled. 3. Does the difference in the background of the education and protection staff of the institution affect the cognition and practice of self-determination? There are quite differences in the cognition of self-determination in the positions, professional backgrounds and regions of education and insurance staff, while the positions and relevant work experience backgrounds show guite differences in the practice of self-determination. The position is related to the cognition of self-determination by the professional background, and the position is related to the practice of self-determination by the seniority of the relevant disabled organization.


