  • 學位論文


The Ethical Dilemmas of the Elementary School Counselors - A Mixed Method Research

指導教授 : 杜淑芬


本研究旨在探討國小專任輔導教師在依循「學生輔導工作倫理守則」進行輔導工作的困難程度,以及在輔導實務工作中所遭遇到的倫理困境。本研究採量化與質性同時進行的混合研究設計,量化研究部分,針對桃園市全體共94位專任輔導教師進行調查,最後回收77份問卷。研究工具為自編「桃園市國小專任輔導教師輔導專業倫理調查問卷」問卷,請參與者回應其依循專業倫理守則的困難程度,7分表示最不困難,1分表示最為困難。在質性研究部分則採焦點團體訪談法,訪問12位填寫過量化問卷之專任輔導教師,據以深入了解國小專輔的倫理困境,並透過紮根研究之分析程序進行質性資料之分析與統整。本研究結果歸納如下: 一、桃園市國小專輔在專業責任與專業成長、諮商保密、諮商關係、當事人權利、心理測驗、與小團體輔導等六項層面,平均數落在4.23到6.16之間,均高於4分,顯示多數的國小專輔教師在依循諮商倫理守則並沒有呈現困難。 二、桃園市國小專輔教師在六個層面之中,依循倫理的困難程度不因背景變項而有所差異。 三、質性研究訪談部分發現,專輔教師遇到的倫理挑戰多與系統合作有關,包括 (一)在專業責任與專業成長層面:專輔教師擔心超過負荷的工作量,會壓縮到諮商專業工作的時間與品質;雙師之間的雙重關係,使得專輔教師會有所顧忌,干擾專輔教師與導師的合作;午休時間晤談的安排,專輔教師擔心無法做到自我照護;在學校場域中,如何兼顧教育角度與輔導角度的需要。 (二)在諮商保密層面:系統合作中,專輔教師難以在系統成員知的需要和個案隱私權之間取得平衡;專輔教師在面對保密例外與預警責任時的兩難。 (三)在諮商關係層面:專輔教師思考要如何與個案維持適當界限,使個案獲得最佳福祉。 (四)在當事人權利層面:當專輔教師和學校方面在通報議題上,有不同看法時,專輔教師擔心學生權益會因此受損;在缺乏適當的諮商空間的狀況下,專輔教師擔心在不適當的空間替學生進行輔導,會使得學生權益受損。 根據上述研究結果提出建議,期待透過本研究可以提供未來專任輔導教師倫理教育訓練的參考以及提供學校輔導工作未來前進之方向,使學校輔導工作朝向專業化前進。


The purpose of this study was to explore the perceived difficulties in following "Professional Code of Ethics for School Counselors" when school counselors provide counseling to students. In addition, the study examined the types of ethical dilemmas that counselors typically encounter. This study adopted mixed-methods research that both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. The quantitative data was gathered with a questionnaire survey from 77 elementary school counselors in Taoyuan city. The qualitative data was gathered by focus-group interviews with 12 elementary school counselors who had finished the questionnaire previously. The qualitative data was analyzed following the procedure guided by the grounded theory. Results are as follows: 1.The elementary school counselors reported low level of difficulties in following the professional ethical codes when providing counseling to students. The average score ranged from 4.23 to 6.16 in the six areas of professional ethic codes, including professional responsibilities and growth, confidentialities, counseling relationships, clients rights, psychological testing, and small group counseling. 2.There were no significant differences in the levels of difficulties for the above six aspects of professional codes with respect to different background variables. 3.The focus group interviews revealed that the followings areas of ethical dilemmas were regularly encountered by school counselors: (1)Professional responsibility and growth: counselors' ethical anxieties aroused when they have large workloads, double relationships with colleagues, low energy level, and etc. (2)Confidentiality: ethical anxieties came from the difficulties in balancing to protect client privacy while working cooperatively with the systems. (3)Therapeutic Relationship: ethical anxieties aroused when counselors tried to keep clear boundaries with student-clients in or out of the counseling room. (4)Client rights: ethical anxieties aroused when counselors have inconsistent views with high power in dealing with students' issues, particularly in the mandatory reporting issues. Moreover, the lack of appropriate counseling rooms makes it difficult to settle clients down. Finally, suggestions were made based on the results of this study for elementary school counselors, educational administration authorities and future researchers.


