  • 學位論文


Students’ Perception of Learning in a Content-Based Instruction Course and Writing Reflective Journals

指導教授 : 林慧茹


根據相關研究顯示,知識之習得不僅僅是學習知識本身,而是能妥善運用知識方能表示達成學習目的(Calvé, 1991; Cummins, 1998; Kaplan, 2010; Snow, 1998; Swain & Lapkin, 1982; Wesche, 2001)。台灣多數教學環境多以教師為中心(Hung, 2014; Wang, Teng, & Lin, 2015),而非學習者,因此學習者缺少應用所學的機會。為解決教師中心的問題,因而有學者使用目的語為課室教學語言的教學法,但多數研究旨在探討專業科目以目的語授課之教學成效(Chang & Lin, 2014; McGuire, Lay, & Peters, 2009),並非瞭解學生對於專業科目以英語授課之教學感受。為彌補上述不足之處,本研究利用撰寫反思日記探討以英語教授專業科目之學生看法。 本研究對象為修習語言學概論之學生,男生11人,女生35人,共46人。學生群在每章節課時結束後,需呈交反思日記。研究者欲探討下列兩問題:(一) 學習者對於接受專業科目以英語授課教學的看法,(二) 學習者對於寫反思日記的看法。 本研究結果歸納出:一、學習者對於以英語教授專業科目之看法:研究發現,多數的學生認同此授課模式,並對於自身英語能力增加持正面態度。且為了能理解課室語言及專業知識故更專心於課堂授課內容。二、多數的學生認為撰寫反思日記有助檢視自身該階段之學習成果效。並認為日記有於複習授課內容。總論,本研究顯示,以英語作為專業課程教學語言,及撰寫反思日記有助於學生對學習成效之自我檢視。


It is argued that learning a concept is not merely about learning the content knowledge itself but also applying the concept in a real context (Calvé, 1991; Cummins, 1998; Genesee, 1987; Kaplan, 2010; Snow, 1998; Swain & Lapkin, 1982; Wesche, 2001). In response to the problem of teacher-centered education in Taiwan (Hung, 2014; Wang, Teng, & Lin, 2015), some researchers (Chang & Lin, 2014) have focused on the effect of content-based instruction as a teaching technique. To date, many of the studies (Chang & Lin, 2014; McGuire, Lay, & Peters, 2009) examining the effect of content-based instruction seem to overlook the students’ perceptions in their learning processes. By recruiting 46 college students, aged 18 to 20, from a private university in Northern Taiwan, the present study was designed to answer the following research questions: (1) What are students’ perceptions in receiving English instruction in a content-based instruction class? (2) What are students’ perceptions in writing reflective journals in a content-based course? The results show, in the aspect of receiving content-based instruction, that most of the students stated that content-based instruction helped them improve their English, and they paid more attention during the course. In the aspect of writing reflective journals, most of the students indicated that they were able to review the teacher’s instruction after class, which helped them to examine their learning process. The findings show that writing reflective journal is useful for understanding learners’ perceptions, and particularly for learners to understand their perceptions in writing reflective journals and receiving content-based instruction. This research could serve to enhance a content-based instruction course in an EFL context. It may also create awareness in research of content-based instruction and reflective journal-writing, or at least lead to new research projects that will help consolidate the study of using reflective journals in a content course, in an EFL context.


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