  • 學位論文


The Study of the Critical Success Factors of New Product Development in Senior Care Industry by using Analytical Hierarchy Process Method

指導教授 : 周永燦


台灣目前已經邁入高齡化社會的時代,熟齡照護市場的經濟規模正急速擴張。在目前競爭激烈的環境下,增加新產品開發與創新便成為提升競爭力的有效策略,除增加新產品及創新的開發項目數量外,更應該從量變進而產生質變,以成功提升開發新產品的具體價值。 針對新產品的定義與分類可歸納出,新產品開發就是研發出與公司現存產品有差異,而且產品要能符合市場與消費者的需求,就可稱為新產品。因此如何成功的開發出新產品以及其成功的關鍵因素,就確實具有研究的必要性。 綜觀相關文獻資料顯示,目前產業為順應消費者需求而轉型,並且發揮創意的創新作法。例如:以往主打「小家庭」為訴求的商品,逐漸發展為專攻「單身」以及「熟齡人士」為主的消費族群。另外以現今國民平均所得來看,熟齡族群儼然已是當前最富足的族群,想當然這些經濟能力較為寬裕的一群,也就更懂得如何享受生活並且更愛自己。僅憑過去單一的「照護」漸漸無法滿足他們,如今這個消費族群更期待的是具有感受的「服務」,業者所販售的不再只是單純的產品或是消費行為而已。因此憑藉新產品開發的關鍵成功因素為基礎,並將此作為引導企業進入未來市場需求的開發準則,來探討新產品開發過程中好或是不好的問題,進行產品開發的可行性驗證,擴增以可行性為目的的新產品開發。 本研究透過文獻來建構熟齡照護產業新產品開發的關鍵因素,然後利用個案分析測試新產品開發的可行性,研究中建立新產品開發中層級程序分析法的架構中包含策略、組織、資源與市場構面,每個構面中包含不同準則來分析個案,透過層級分析法分析出構面中以市場最重要,而在不同構面的準則中又分別以清楚的願景、明確開發流程、技術與科技和消費者動態最為重要,透過此研究分析結果能提高公司新產品成功率與市場接受度。期許以新產品的成功關鍵因素為考量的開發,加速新產品的產出與實質績效提升,再以客觀方式的評價來判斷,藉此展望未來能夠往樂活、智能、高附加價值與美好感受作為新產品的發展目標。


Taiwan is among the countries with populated senior citizens, the industry of senior care management is thriving. In a competitive market, innovation and creativity are important, above all, the most emphasized aspect is quality, the value of new approach. The definition of new approach is developed specifically according to the need of markets and the preference of consumers. It is necessary to analyze the elements of a successful model. Surveyed the related documents, the type of business is evolved by the demand of consumers, the“core family”was the client for more products, but now, most of the consumers are “single”or “senior”. According to the analysis of GDP, the senior group is regarded as the most contended one, they care afford the luxuries, and they enjoy their lives very much. The regular nursery home is not their choice any more, they care about the service, the sincere service, the nursery home is not with nursery only, satisfaction, heart-touching approach will be considered in the market, and the success will be anticipated based on the design of the new product. This research is based on the success experience of respective product. The assets are as following: strategy, organization, resource and the structure of market. The best results are screened out objectively by the methods of Analytical Hierarchy Process. These references will be applied on the design of future products.


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[2] 司徒達賢,2004,策略管理,台北:遠流出版社。
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[4] 鄧振鴻與曾國雄,1989,層級分析法(AHP)的內涵特性與應用(下),中國統計學報,P4-22。
