  • 學位論文

高科技新創公司人力資源管理成效之研究 -以J公司人力資源管理制度之發展歷程為個案

A Case Study of the Development of Human Resource Management System in the High-Tech Company.

指導教授 : 吳美連


新創企業成立之初,多以中小企業為主,其在人才、技術、資金與資訊等方面之支援與規模上,都無法與大企業相提並論。國內對新創企業之研究大多從財務面、市場面或技術面做探討,以高科技相關新創事業之人力資源管理制度建立與發展之相關研究較少。 本研究以主位研究的方式,探討個案公司在創業初期如何從無到有建立人力資源管理制度,吸引優秀人才、找到對的人、訂定具吸引力的薪酬制度、激勵優秀人員等;及透過人力資源管理制度如何支援公司之各項策略,瞭解高科技新創公司人力資源管理對新創事業績效的影響,以提供新創公司在建立管理制度時之參考。 本研究整理學者們對科技產業人力資源管理制度及措施之內容,形成本研究之初步觀念架構,並參考相關文獻建立問卷,資料的取得是透過對個案公司四位關鍵人員進行半結構式訪談的方式進行,以了解個案公司人力資源管理措施的實施狀況。 本研究根據研究結果,發展出以下命題: 命題一:新創研發公司因人才能力需求的考量,採多人決策並使用甄選工具的甄選方式,招募的成效較好。 命題二:新創研發公司以「師徒制」的訓練方式,可提升新進人員之工作績效。 命題三:新創研發公司採差異化的薪資政策,也就是強調績效給薪與及時性的回饋,有助於薪資內部公平與提升員工績效。 本研究也對新創公司管理實務的意涵提出看法,新創科技公司在人力資源管理措施上若做到下列幾點:1.訂定明確的公司願景、年度目標與策略、2.塑造優質的公司文化/價值、3.充分授權,有效管理、4.建立良好的溝通管道及5.發展可傳承的SOP,則能有較佳的經營成效。


Most new founded enterprises start their business as small and mid-sized companies, of which their scales in human resource, capital, information, etc. are all incomparable to those of large corporations. Domestic researchers usually start their probing study into new founded enterprises from the perspectives of finance, market or technology, and very few commence their studies from the viewpoints of human resource management and its development. This research is an emic approach of how to build a human resource management system from scratch, recruit new talents, find the right employees, establish an attractive salary system, and inspire outstanding workers, etc., for a newly founded corporation. It also shows, through the system of human resource management, how to support company policies and understand the influence of human resource management on company performance for a newly founded high-tech corporation in order to provide reference resource for a new company in its founding period. The primitive concept structure of this research is constructed by assorting the systems and contents of human resource management systems done by scholars. This study also creates questionnaires by consulting relating documents; information is gathered from four key persons of each case study company, through the process of semistructured interviews, to understand the operational condition of human resource management in practice of each case study company. Through the results of investigation, this study is branched into the following topics: Topic I: Considering the need for talent recruitment of a newly founded R&D company, the recruiting outcome yields a better result through the adoption of multi-person decision making and tools for recruit filtering. Topic II: A newly founded R&D company can improve the job performance of new recruits through adopting the training method of “master and apprentice.” Topic III: A newly founded R&D company can improve its internal pay equity and employees’ job performance through the adoption of differential pay level policies, which is to pay by performance and provide timely feedback to employees. This study also provides implications from actual management cases for a newly founded R&D company to gain better operational performance if the following actions are taken: 1. Laying down unambiguous company vision, annual goals and tactics, 2. Establishing a quality company culture, 3. Adequately empowering subordinates, 4. Maintaining unhindered communication channels, and 5. Developing the heritable SOPs.


張火燦(1996) ,「策略性人力資源管理」,揚智文化事業股份有限公司,台北。
趙必孝(1997) ,亞太管理評論,「我國中小企業因應產業環境變動與經營策略的人力資源發展之研究」,2(2),頁101-119。
