  • 學位論文


The Study on Own Brand Strategy and Global Configuration Path of Taiwan’s Enterprises

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


近年來隨著國際市場競爭的加劇,台灣廠商更能瞭解品牌的價值與重要性,從一些先進公司的品牌經驗中,研究人員和專家也發現,這些公司在歐洲的自有品牌建立,似乎一直都比在美國來的成功,因此,他們建議台灣廠商發展國際品牌時,可優先考慮以歐洲市場做為跨入國際市場的第一步;但此同時,面對中國市場的崛起,許多台灣企業也紛紛想借重中國大陸的市場腹地來壯大品牌,抓住大陸正在高速成長之商機。到底台灣企業該先去歐洲還是中國大陸發展?該如何布局全球自創品牌?有沒有成功策略或路徑可供參考?就成為台商佈局全球、自創品牌的重要策略議題。 基於上述研究動機,本研究以曾獲得台灣10大國際品牌的公司進行個案研究,利用資料蒐集及訪談,歸納彙整出廠商發展國際品牌應具備之資源及條件、廠商布局全球之策略與決策因素、廠商發展國際品牌之路徑與影響因素,藉此建構相關命題,提供台灣欲發展國際品牌的廠商一些建議。 本研究結論共有5項,第一,企業自創國際品牌之成功關鍵係賴於企業領導者、產品或服務品質、研發創新能力與行銷通路掌握度;第二、深化全球運籌管理能力、因地制宜策略與培養跨國經營人才是企業自創品牌布局全球的必要條件;第三、台商發展國際品牌之路徑多採先美後歐的策略,但歐洲市場較為容易成功;第四、中國大陸市場已儼然成為台商邁向全球品牌或區域品牌之路的跳板;第五、企業全球布局依其成長階段採取策略之不同,會影響品牌路徑之選擇。


Recently, Taiwanese firms know better the importance of brand and its value for facing more and more severe competition in international markets. Researchers and experts who study brand experiences from some pioneering companies find that these firms build their brand more successfully in European markets than they do in American ones. Based on the results, they suggest that those firms who want to develop their brands in the international markets should consider entering the European market first. At the same time, as the importance of Chinese market grows, some companies hope to initiate their brand strategy in China by taking advantage of same Chinese cultural heritage. Which is the best region for Taiwanese firms to set up their brand first? Europe or China? How do these firms position their branding globally? All issues are keys for enterprise’s strategy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the key factors and successful paths of own brand strategy. In order to solve the issues, this research undergo case study of 2006 top 10 Taiwanese brands firms. By conducting first hand interviews and collecting secondary information, this study attempts to draw some general framework including: What are the specific resources and elements needed when a firm developing its brand, What are the key factors for branding strategy decision and developing paths of branding strategies. Five conclusions are proposed form this study. First of all, the success of international brand lie on corporate leadership, the quality of products and services, R&D and innovation capabilities, marketing and the control of channels. Second, the firms have to strengthen their global logistics capabilities, effectively adapt to the local markets, and cultivate talents with global management capabilities. Third, Taiwan firms tend to build their brand in the American market first and Europe later. Fourth, Chinese market has become a springboard for Taiwanese firms to develop their regional or global brands. Finally, their global strategies are contingent upon the different stages of growth, which may in turn affect their developing paths.


42.陳更生、林唐裕(1989),OEM?還是自創品牌?,台灣經濟研究月刊,第134 期,頁44-48。


