  • 學位論文


Transformation course of the attitude of Vietnamese spouses toward her husband with Mental Retardation.

指導教授 : 潘惠銘


中文摘要 本研究以個案研究法來探討女性越南籍配偶對智能障礙丈夫態度之轉變歷程,共取三位智能障礙者所娶之越南籍配偶,資料收集方式主要以開放式半結構性的訪談方式進行,由個案敘述中,歸納出女性越南配偶對丈夫之認知、情感與行為等態度三內涵及其態度轉變之歷程: 一、從認知內涵中可以歸納出女性越南籍配偶對丈夫的各項特質乃受到實際生活接觸及家人的訊息所建立和轉變,越籍配偶對智障丈夫信心的建立不足、對於再生育之問題避之唯恐不及,一般越籍配偶的丈夫及其家人對越籍配偶缺乏信任,造成外配婚姻適應上困難之現象,為此本研究也提出以下幾點建議事項,包括越籍配偶對丈夫信心的建立是夫家的所有家庭成員須要努力的方向;同時要配合教育單位在規劃教育相關課程時所應予將其納入課程的方向;對於生養教育等相關問題在婚前及婚後,衛生及社會福利單位都應主動給予她們提供諮詢及輔導以及丈夫與家人需改變自己的心態,彼此建立信任等,以期使她們對此段婚姻能趨向積極的態度。 二、從情感內涵可以瞭解主要轉變原因為丈夫及家人的支持與否及越籍配偶的心情調適,心情的調適較佳且家中每位成員又予以關懷與支持,個案即能逐漸與丈夫培養情感,反之則有逃離家庭之念頭,從本研究也延伸出當前社會新聞報導外籍配偶逃離家庭的現象,對於這些負面新聞現象的背後,除了夫家家人應予以尊重、關懷與體諒外,相關機構團體及社會大眾應正視的是如何協助外籍配偶適應智能障礙家庭以使她們能與智障丈夫創造和諧的婚姻之問題才是真正重要之課題。 三、從行為內涵得知婚後對丈夫在行為上極少互動的主要原因為無法忍受丈夫的行為特質所致,但為維繫婚姻之故,在日常生活中仍會對丈夫付出適當的關懷之舉,從本研究探討中發現若已涉及家庭暴力時,也可適時提出諮詢與尋求婦女受暴之整合性服務協助之建議,期望讓外籍配偶能有求助的管道,藉此以保障她們的人權。 四、從態度轉變歷程瞭解轉變之原因有孩子遺傳至丈夫的智能障礙、家人的影響、身心調適、家庭暴力、自立更生,如何讓越籍配偶轉變對丈夫接納並維持較為美滿的婚姻,除了靠她們內心的調適、尋求工作使自己能自立更生外,家人的影響力仍是本研究一再強調的重點,本研究也提出對夫家家人善待越南配偶及相關機構能夠加強宣導有關職業訓練及就業服務機會之建議,使她們能夠以正向積極的態度看自己的婚姻及家庭,追求自力更生,最後也影響其態度的整體層面。


轉變歷程 越南籍配偶 態度


Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the transformation course of the attitude of three Vietnamese spouses toward their husbands with Mental Retardation. A case study was conducted, wherein an open-ended, semi-structured interview was used as tool of data collecting. The results were found as followed: 1. Daily contact and information from the other members of the family contribute to the Vietnamese spouses’s cognitive attitude about their husband. It turned out that all three Vietnamese spouses lacked confidence with their husband with Mental retardation. They found it difficult to interact with them or think about giving birth of the second baby because of the heritage consideration. For their better domestic adjustment some efforts should be made: First of all, the family members of the husband with Mental retardation should change their attitude, set up mutual trust and give Vietnamese spouses more support. Educational courses should be planned in the direction of hygeny, family planning and birth control for the Vietnamese spouses. And the social welfare unit should offer them consultation and coaching. 2. Main reasons for the transformation of emotional attitude of the Vietnamese spouses toward their husbands were the family’s support and their emotional adjustment. When their mood adjusted properly and the family of the husband show loving care of the Vietnamese spouse, these helped them build positive emotion to their husband. If this was not the case they tried to escape from the family, as frequently reported. Behind the phenomenon it is the question that how it happened and how to help them to meet the struggle through living with the Mental retarded husband. The family of the husband with Mental retardation should respect and show understanding with them. 3.The reason why the Vietnamese spouses are unable to tolerate the characteristics of the husbands’ behaviors contributes to the lack of interaction between the Vietnamese spouses and their husbands. But in order to maintain the marriage,they still pay caring attention to their husbands.If domestic violence is involved,it is suggested to consult and seek for help and to maintain the human rights of the Vietnamese spouses. 4.The reason for the transformation of attitude of the Vietnamese spouses toward their husbands with Mental Retardation were their psychological and emotional adjustment,the influence of the family members,their independence,and domestic violence.The result of this study show the influence and importance of the reasons for this transformation .In addition to emotional adjustment ,the influence of the family member is still the focal points of this study to make Vietnamese spouse accept their husbands and maintain a happy marriage.This study also provides the family members are kind to Vietnamese spouses and relevant organizations which can emphasize the providence of chances in vocation training and employment. Therefore,they can face their marriage and family in a positive attitude and pursue their independence.Finally,the whole attitude is influenced.




