  • 學位論文


The Influence of Numerical Information of Mobile Commercial Application on Purchase Intention.

指導教授 : 黃儀婷


由於智慧型行動裝置漸漸普及,行動商務在電子商務市場中佔有重要的地位。傳統的實體零售商,為避免在市場中式微,透過O2O虛實整合的模式,將消費者帶回實體店面中;其中販售餐券的團購平台是其中一種廣為人知的O2O模式,餐廳透過與團購網合作,增加店面曝光機會,吸引消費者注意,以此作為推廣宣傳和交易的手段。在電子商務環境中,若欲提升消費者網路購物之意願,須提升消費者對網路購物的整體價值,以增加消費者購買意圖。行動商務消費者透過行動購物APP之介面以及其所提供之相關資訊,作為購買決策的重要參考依據。在團購平台上,消費者常被數字相關資訊所左右,包括價格、折扣、購買人次等;這些數字背後都與消費者心理息息相關,如價格與折扣是利用錨定效果,使消費者知覺此價格是否划算,而購買人次越高,則越容易誘發消費者的從眾心理。由於過去研究指出知覺價值與購買意圖有正相關,故本研究以知覺價值中的體驗價值及實用價值來衡量消費者是否有可能產生購買意圖。實際量測GOMAJI行動購物APP之使用體驗價值感受,量測消費者對於不同價格折扣、購買人次多寡的數字資訊實用價值,並透過腦波儀實驗,量測消費者在瀏覽受測樣本時的腦波數據,以了解消費者是否對於不同數字資訊呈現不同專注度與興趣表現。   本研究發現:價格錨定呈現方式中,現省金額的價格錨定方式知覺價值以及腦波專注值分數最高,其次為折數的價格錨定方式;而在購買人次的實驗當中,以301-999購買人次區間的腦波專注值最高。男性的腦波專注值明顯高於女性、30歲以上的族群腦波專注值也明顯高於20-29歲的族群、有行動購物經驗者也明顯較無經驗者專注、有無團購網使用經驗者在定價的價格錨定呈現方式以及購買人次的數字資訊呈現時其腦波專注值變化有明顯差異。


Mobile commerce plays an important role in the e-commerce market nowadays. To prevent weakening the market, traditional retailers integrates virtual and real processes through the O2O (Online to Offline) models to bring back consumers to their physical places. Among the cases, group buying platform which sells coupons is one of the well-known O2O models, as the restaurants cooperate with group buying platform to increase online exposures and attract consumers' attentions with making deals. In order to strengthen consumers’ purchase intention, online shops have to enhance the entire value for consumers. As for the mobile commerce aspect, consumers determine their purchasing decision by referring to the interface of such mobile shopping apps and relevant information its’ provided. On the group buying, consumers especially led by those relevant numerical informationon, such as prices, discounts, and numbers of existing consumers. These figures are closely related to consumers’ psychologic statuses. For example, prices and discounts just play well the anchor effect, to make consumers perceive if those prices are worth to buy. In the meanwhile, if the number of purchased item are higher, it will be easier to trigger consumers' conformity behaviors. Since the previous researches indicate that, there are positive correlations between perceived value and purchase intention, this study tells whether consumers’ intentions to buy will be generated by experience and utilitarian values. Finally, we actually measured the experiential value of using the mobile shopping app GOMAJI, and the practical value of figures like different prices, discounts and the number of purchased item. Through the EEG experiment, consumers’ brain wave data were acquired when consumers were browsing these samples detected, to understand if consumers have different degrees of attentions and interests on the same object due to different numerical information presented on the platform. The results of this study as following: In the price anchor presentation experiment, the presentation of saving price has the highest score at the perceived value questionnaire and attention of e-sense value scale. In the number of purchase experiment, the interval of 301-999 people who has the highest attention value of e-sense value. And then, the research result found that demographic variables and attention values analysis results. First, the male attention values is higher than female, the interval over the age of 30 attention values is also higher than the interval of 20-29 year-old population, the person have mobile commerce experience attention values is also higher than no experience people, and there are different variations of the attention value in the price anchor presentation and the number of purchase experiment whether or not to have group buying experience.


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