  • 學位論文


Investigating the Needs and Supports Obtained of Team-Based Collaborative Services for Junior High School Students with Disabilities- An Example of Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 趙本強


本研究主要在探討桃園市國中身心障礙學生專業團隊服務需求及支持之現況。研究方法採問卷調查法,參考王天苗(2003)所編「特殊敎育:相關專業服務作業手册」作為研究工具,調查桃園市104學年度國中階段不分類資源班及普通班接受特教服務之身心障礙學生,並且曾在國中三年中接受過任何一種專業團隊服務,共計學生126 人。透過統計百分比、次數分配、平均數、標準差、單因子變異數分析、t 檢定、皮爾遜相關係數及迴歸分析進行資料分析。研究結論為: 一、 桃園市身心障礙學生專業團隊服務整體需求為「中下程度」。 二、 桃園市身心障礙學生所得到的專業團隊服務整體支持為「中下程度」,支持約佔需求人數七成以上。 三、 不同性別身心障礙學生專業團隊服務需求及支持無顯著差異。 四、 不同年級身心障礙學生專業團隊服務需求及支持無顯著差異。 五、 不同障礙類別身心身心障礙學生專業團隊服務需求有顯著差異。在物理治療師部分,感官生理障礙學生需求明顯高於學習障礙學生。 六、 不同障礙類別身心身心障礙學生專業團隊服務支持無顯著差異。 七、 桃園市國中身心障礙學生專業團隊服務需求及支持為高度正相關。


This study aimed to explore the needs and supports of team-based collaborative services for junior high school students with disabilities. The participants were recruited from Taoyuan city. This research adopted questionnaire which used for the current publication “Special Education: the manual of team-based collaborative services ” by Tien-Miau Wang (2003). The research sample was recruited from 126 junior high school students with disabilities, they were settled in resources class and normal class with special education services, and at least received any kinds of team-based collaborative services during junior high school. For further statistical analyses such as statistical percentage, frequency chart, mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, t-test, pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis. The results of the study are as follow: 1. The needs obtained of team-based collaborative services for junior high school students with disabilities of Taoyuan City are below average. 2. The supports obtained of team-based collaborative services for junior high school students with disabilities of Taoyuan City are below average. Above 70% students with needs obtained team-based collaborative services supports. 3. No significant difference was found in the degree of needs and supports of team-based collaborative services in terms of the junior high school students with disabilities’ gender. 4. No significant difference was found in the degree of needs and supports of team-based collaborative services in terms of the junior high school students with disabilities’ grade. 5. Significant differences were found in the level of the classification between the sensory and physical disablities and the learning disablities. The needs to physical therapist of the sensory and physical disablities(M=7.29) are significantly higher than the learning disablities(M=5.28). 6. No significant difference was found in the degree of supports of team-based collaborative services in terms of the junior high school students with disabilities’ classfication. 7. Positive relationships were found among the needs and supports of team-based collaborative services for junior high school students with disabilities.


王鳳鶯(2011)。感官障礙學生特殊教育的經費需求。師友月刊, (528),74-77。
