  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study of Body Experiences of the Female on the Move-by the cases of mountaineering, river tracing, and sport climbing

指導教授 : 陳其澎


在室內設計研究場域較多關心的是技術的運用、設計風格的演變、使用者行為等,較少去探究做為人與環境互動所產生的五感體驗,且界分了室內與室外過於明確,如同斬斷了嬰兒與母親之間聯繫的臍帶般,失去了人與自然環境連結的血脈。本研究場域以戶外為導向,從登山運動、溯溪與攀岩活動,究試圖探尋當身體不斷的移動,不論是在行走的過程中、在溪水中泳渡、在岩石中上攀,人在整個過程中身體的經驗如何?而以往登山空間被界定為男性主宰的場域,本研究以女性的觀點出發,去探尋女性的身體從事登山、溯溪、攀岩運動的身體經驗及歷程,期望注入不一樣的觀點。 本研究以質性研究的方法,透過文本分析移動中身體經驗的隱含意義、參與式觀察訪了解當今登山、溯溪、攀岩的現況,以及深度訪談從事該項運動2年以上且年齡介於20-45歲的9位女性受訪者,述說身體在移動過程中的身體經驗。 在自然環境中透過身體不斷的移動所產生的刺激,會讓人有「存在」的感受,從研究中也發現,接觸該類戶外活動後,女性更能自在的做自己,卸下社會帶給女性的刻板印象,找尋自己最適合的角色扮演,並從中發掘自己潛在的能量。


身體經驗 移動 登山 溯溪


There are much more studies focus on the application of Interior Design. However, we seldom look into the sense variations which between interaction with environments .We define the interior and exterior strictly as if we cut the umbilical cord from Mother Nature, it makes us lose connection to natural. The field of the research is outdoor-oriented, taking mountaineering, river tracing and sport climbing as examples. This research is to find out the body experiences when moving, no matter in walking, river tracing or sport climbing. What experience do people have while doing these exercises? Previously, the territory of mountaineering is always for the viewpoint of masculine. This research explores feminine body experiences during mountaineering, river tracing, and sport climbing, from the perspective of woman, and expects to inject different viewpoints. This research is based on textual analysis. By doing participant-observation and analyzing the essence behind the experiences of continually moving body, we can know the current situation of mountaineering, river tracing, and sport climbing. Through in-depth interview with eight females, who had participated those activities, to state the experiences of moving body. The in-depth interview and participant-observation leads to the conclusion that people feel “live in the real moment” when moving continually in the nature. It also indicates that females can act the way just be their selves than ever, while participating in mountaineering, river tracing and sport climbing. Females can find out the potential energy from the interaction with the natural. Let the restriction go from the social and city-life, find out the most comfortable way to live.


王弘志〈1994〉,《速度的性政治:穿越移動能力的性別界分》,台灣社會研究季刊,第16 期,頁147-164
