  • 學位論文


The Narrative Study on the Life Experiences of Criminal Juvenile

指導教授 : 鄧文章
共同指導教授 : 杜淑芬(Su-Fen Tu)


本研究旨在探討少年犯生命經驗對其成長過程造成之陷落及復歸歷程。透過訪談,了解受訪者生命故事對其成長過程之影響及改變。受訪者的生命故事因人而異,而有其獨特性,而受訪者對於自己生命故事的詮釋,也受到不同階段、不同環境及不同身分而有不同想法與感受,因此不適合使用理論或特定順序觀察或詮釋。 本研究透過立意取樣,邀請五位符合研究條件之研究參與者,以半結構式之訪談大綱進行深度訪談,並用敘事分析法中的「類別—內容」分析法進行分析,先呈現犯罪少年個別生命故事之生命經驗,再進行五位研究參與者跨故事之分析討論。 研究發現:(一)在孩子成長過程中,曾經歷負向生命事件的孩子,情感依戀程度較低,導致犯罪的可能性也較高。(二)青少年在家得不到關心與溫暖,會將生活重心建立在同儕身上,而行為偏差同儕、青少年自身的低自我控制及追求享樂型態,將使青少年走上犯罪一途。(三)少年再起的契機,是少年生命中某個事件的發生、重要他人的出現及少年家人之間的關係改善,讓少年下定決心停止犯罪,並遠離犯罪環境。 家庭負向經驗對個人生命故事的影響力,在人生各階段中是不容忽視。父母應多給予孩子關心及注意、學校多給孩子支持及幫助,同儕之間給予正向積極力量,讓這些偏離軌道的孩子,感受到被接納、被關心,得以回到正軌。


The study aims at exploring how juvenile offenders’ loss experiences impact their courses of falling and rehabilitation happen in their developmental process. By interviewing the participants, the researcher understands how the participants’ life stories influence and affect their life course. Every participant’s life story is varying from person to person and is unique. As the result, it is not appropriate to use theories or observation, or interpretation in a specific order. Through purposing sampling, 5 eligible participants have voluntarily received an interview with a semi-structured interview guide. Employing structural content of narrative to analyze individuals’ loss experience in their life stories. Moreover, cross-analyses of individuals’ stories are conducted. The results of the study are described below. (1) Teens who experience negative life events have lower Emotional attachment. That might lead to a high likelihood to commit a crime. (2) Juvenile who could not have more concern and warmth from family would focus their life with peers. Deviant peers, low self-control, and pleasure-seeking types of teenagers will make them commit crimes. (3) The opportunities for teens to stop committing crimes include the occurrence of a certain event, the appearance of significant others, and the enhancement of family relationships. Those reasons make juveniles decide to stop committing crimes and leave a criminal environment. The influence of the family's negative life stories could not be ignored in different life stages. Parents should pay more concern and attention to kids. Schools should give students more supports and assistance. The peer should give positive force. Those will allow deviant kids feel to be accepted, concerned. They then return to a normal track.


Heppner,P.P.,Heppner, M.J.(2010)。研究論文寫作:撰寫與投稿的武功秘笈(王麗斐、杜
